New Initiatives Subcommittee Tuesday, May 10th,
Introductions Name Home Organization AIAA role Anything your interested in working within TAC? 2
Agenda Old Business 2011 Workshop Brainstorm/Volunteer/Assignments Gossamer Spacecraft PC (GSPC) Program Committee Review (Cliff Willey/Tony Gross) TAC/NIS Documentation and web storage (Melanson) –TC/PC Chair handbook plan of attack TC Newsletter Status and Articles Brainstorm (Melanson/Halliwell) Technology Survey and Recommendations – Deferred (Williams) Contact List for all TCs and PCs in TAC (Andersen) Name Change for Software Systems TC (Melanson) New Business Session Chair Guidelines Professional Interest Codes Discussion and potential activity
2011 Workshop – Conference Strategies Revitalizing conferences – ideas, brainstorming, procedures and norms Adding value Drawing more participants Alternate delivery methods and models Linked to membership growth… Funding conferences Exhibits developing and institutionalizing change – how do you change and institutionalize the new ideas. 4 Return to Agenda
2011 Workshop – Conference Strategies Concept is working inside TAC along with publications, exhibits and staff to hold a strategy session to begin longer range view of where conferences need to be in years and a roadmap of how to get there Demetri identified nearer term new conferences that should be areas to develop content/approaches Areas like sponsorship, joint meetings, globalization should be considered in planning Forum Concept 5 Return to Agenda
2011 Workshop – Conference Strategies Action Plan: Volunteers: 6 Return to Agenda
Gossamer Spacecraft PC (GSPC) Program Committee Review/Discussions 7
TC/PC Processes and Procedures Updates and Plan forward (Melanson) TC/PC Chair handbook plan of attack 8
TAC Newsletter status Need further ideas for articles and volunteers to write them TAC funds – what they are and how to use them (written and available now) Update your data! ( , interest codes) What drives conference reg fees Membership upgrades Session Chairing guidelings ScholarOne Evolution (KC) 9
10 Deferred – No significant activity and Tony is not availble Technology Survey and Recommendations (Williams)
11 Concept: E&TM Group initiative to have a resource for identifying the focal points within TCs/PCs for the various subcommittees that may interact with TAC Tied to annual report format? Betty identified that many of those are in her data and that if used, the new annual report format provides that detail. Questions: Uses?? Existing Data?? Proceed?? How?? Contact List for all TCs and PCs in TAC (Andersen)
Software Systems TC Name Change Name change of the "Software Systems" TC to the "Software" TC Details: Name Change of Software Systems TC Proposed Name: Software TC Summary of change: SSTC is working to reinvigorate activity within the TC and believes that the name change will help with new efforts Issues of review within the TC have been worked out TC Review underway with May 31 st deadline 12
New Business Items 13
Moderating a Conference Session The Important Role of the Session Chair From: “Short Road to Great Presentations” by Peter & Cheryl Reimold with special thanks to MST TC
The Moderator’s Role Form a coherent theme for the session Set a positive tone and maintain momentum Encourage audience participation and lively discussion Help and protect the presenters “The Moderator can make the difference between a successful session and one that appears pointless, disorganized,……or thoroughly upsetting”
The Moderator’s Virtues (PQR) P reparation Start early Q uestioning and Summarizing Skills Focused questions Timely summaries R esponsibility It’s YOUR session Set the rules and keep control
Early Preparation is Critical Tie separate contributions to a main theme Guide authors/speakers on their contribution relative to the theme Inform each author/speaker of other contributions to the session Beware of using initial abstracts for preparation – the paper may be very different! Get the best out of your speakers Motivate them to prepare well and early Offer to review their papers/presentations
One Month to One Week Before Your Session Get content and biographical information from speakers Ask speakers to prepare 2-5 questions that the audience might ask Develop a session overview Find a unifying theme Develop focused questions to stimulate discussion Formulate session rule Invite audience members who could enhance the quality of the session Prepare a session agenda slide that can be projected prior to the start of the session or during gaps This provides a more professional feeling to the session
Speakers Breakfast Plan ahead to meet with your speakers (when & where) Review your session overview and speakers questions Review biographical information Establish time-keeping rules Signaling procedures Ensure speakers understand your commitment to keeping the session on track Review and agree on session protocol Q&A format If you have your own computer, offer to put speakers’ presentations on your computer This will save a lot of time when switching from one presenter to another
Starting The Session Have session agenda on screen (if using one) Welcome audience and invite participation Give a brief overview of the theme and how each talk contributes to it Involve the audience from the start Mention that you have possible questions that you will share before each paper Invite them to note down and ask questions Provide guidance on how many questions Tell them when to ask questions Introduce the first speaker
Introducing the Speakers State the name, title, and biographical/other information relevant to the topic Announce the title of the presentation Mention questions or topics that the audience should consider Prepare well and be accurate Give the speaker the best start possible
Running the Session Support each speaker Proper introduction Help with technical issues and emergencies Organize and control Q & A Invite questions at the proper time Repeat questions, if necessary Direct the question to the appropriate speaker Rephrase if necessary for clarity Exclude or parry off-topic questions Enforce Q & A rules including the per-person question limit
Running the Session (concluded) Stimulate discussion: Ask focused questions when appropriate Call on specific people, if necessary Suggest ranges of questions to ask “Connect” questions and comments to important themes Enforce timing rules: Signal speakers on time remaining Politely bring a talk to an end, if it’s going over the allocation –Avoid repeated “begging”
Question Types Open question What can you tell me about flight simulation? Closed question Is flight simulation effective for training? Focused question What is the trade-off between simulation fidelity and transfer of training? Use background statement + focused question
Managing Hostile or Off-Topic Questions You are in charge – protect the speaker Be gracious but firm with the questioner Rephrase Use well-meaning humor to deflect or rephrase the question
Ending on a High Note (Closing the Session) This is your chance to present the “take-home message” to the audience. Ensure you allow enough time for the closing statement Craft your summary using: Your initially prepared notes and questions Audience comments and questions Thank the presenters for all the good work Thank the audience for listening and contributing
Closing Sequence Thank the presenters and audience Summarize the session Close on the main message of value to the audience Thank the presenters and audience again
Comments Received during Review This is great. Recommend one addition - post- session closure. Request feedback from presenters Request feedback from selected attendees; accept & record feedback from all Complete AIAA session form to aid future planning 28
Comments Received during Review Appears to be common sense guidelines that would be of use – good info, but not authoritative for AIAA. Could stand tailoring/expansion for AIAA specifics – how to prevent no-shows/last minute withdrawals, managing IT-related facets, submitting candidates for best paper awards, etc. 29
Comments Received during Review I think this is an excellent set of charts. It would be of great benefit to all of us who chair sessions and should be circulated - perhaps with only a few modifications. It will also make a good TAC newsletter article and I'd be happy to make the necessary changes for that application, unless the authors wouild prefer to do it themselves! 30
Comments Received during Review I agree, this is nice stuff. While it certainly could be polished and improved, and adopted as a standard….I guess I would ask ‘what does adoption as a set of guidelines mean?’ This is not a standard where compliance is mandatory (It couldn’t be). Perhaps what we have here is ‘good enough’ do include in our conference planner packages as a nice tutorial/helpful materials? Do we really need to do much more than simply make it available 31
Discussion 32
Professional Interest Codes Have not been reviewed in many years Miss many areas of the business Are aligned with current TC’s Possible work to review/reorganize/change Complications Integrated into various AIAA areas such as membership upgrades, other areas??? 33