Introduction Assignment Breakdown of day #1-9 Evaluation Conclusion
Do you know how to communicate properly? Over the next nine days, you will complete a research project ending with a recording informing the audience about a foundation whose sole purpose is to help others. Can you convince us to join your cause? HomeNext
You will create a two minute podcast on the foundation of your choice. The goal is not to explain why you like this foundation. Instead you will inform us about the foundation. You want your audience to learn everything possible about this foundation so they will feel a desire to become involved. Pretend you work for the foundation and it is your job to find new members. Start with the history of the foundation and make your way to the present. You can present every and any piece of information that you feel will better explain the foundation and its purpose to your audience. You may choose any foundation of interest. HomeHome Previous NextPreviousNext
Lesson day: You will spend the class period being taught the proper ways to speak while taping a podcast. The areas will include: ✓ Unnecessary words ✓ Dead time ✓ Speech length ✓ Covering your topic ✓ Clarity ✓ Repeating information ✓ Volume control Once your teacher has finished explaining all of the above areas, you will review the task you are beginning and make sure you understand the point of the podcast is not to tell us your opinion of the foundation but instead to inform us about it. HomeHome Previous NextPreviousNext
Research: This is a two day process. You will spend two days in the library researching the foundation of your choice. This will be your time to find all of the necessary information to make a two minute podcast. Remember you must take the time to inform the audience about your foundation. Your personal feelings are not important. It is your job to teach the audience as much as possible in two minutes. You want them to feel knowledgeable about your foundation and you want them to feel the need to join and help strengthen the foundation. HomeHome Previous NextPreviousNext
Preparing for the podcast: This is a two step process which covers two days. Day 4: You will take all of your information and decide which pieces are the most important. It is important to really review all of your information and decide which facts, figures or stories are the most compelling and will keep your audience interested. While reading all of your information, highlight the parts you plan to incorporate into your podcast. Day 5: You will then write out all of the information you are using on a note card to help you during the making of the podcast. It is important to write the information in the order you want to present it during your presentation. HomeHome Previous NextPreviousNext
Practice day: After forming groups of 3, each of you will practice for your individual podcast. Each of you will recite your podcast as many times possible during the class period. After each member of the group finishes, the two partners will evaluate the performance and explain what the third person did correctly and incorrectly. The group members will base all of their decisions on the seven areas the teacher explained need to be covered while making a podcast. The group will tell you if your presentation had any effect on them and made them want to become involved in your foundation. HomeHome Previous NextPrevious Next
Podcast training and recording day: This is a two step process which covers two days. Day 7: You will spend the first day being taught by the technology teacher how to make a podcast. The teacher will explain how to use all of the equipment and make sure you know what you need to bring in order to record your podcast. Day 8: You will spend the entire period in the computer lab recording your podcast. It is very important you listen to your recording to make sure you fulfill all of the requirements. Once you are satisfied with the recording you will save it to your own disk and to the locations your teacher has requested. HomeHome PreviousNextPreviousNext
Below are links to 2 PDFs outlining how to record your speech if you need additional help: For Mac users: ent/2008/spring/podcast/Garageband.pdf For PC users: bcs- pdf HomeHome PreviousNextPreviousNext
Presentation Day: You will present your two minute podcast on your foundation to the entire class. Good luck in following all of the rules and informing the students on your foundation. Let's see if you can not only speak well, but convince the group to become involved with your foundation!!! HomeHome Previous NextPreviousNext
Click on the link below to view the grading scale for the speech: Grading Scale HomeHome PreviousNextPreviousNext
After completing your presentation you will have learned the following important pieces of information: How to research a specific topic. How to organize and condense your information to fit a specific amount of time. How to record a podcast. How to speak properly during the recording. How to become involved and make a positive difference in the foundation of your choice. HomePrevious