Definition Is a chronic disease characterized by scaring and necrotic tissue replaced by fibrotic tissue. Resulting in hepatic insufficiency and portal hypertension
Causes Chronic alcoholism Bilharzias Mal nutrition Viral hepatitis Toxic drugs Chronic biliary obstruction
Pathophysiology When normal liver cells replaced by fibrous cells,normal liver structure and function altered resulting in portal hyper tension, a cities,esophageal varices and hepatic encephalopathy The progress of liver cirrhosis is slowly, for that reason P may come late with complication of liver cirrhosis
Clinical feature Onset slowly may take years Early complain include fatigue, anorexia, edema, epistaxis, gums bleeding, jaundice and weight loss Later complains occurs due to chronic failure of the liver and obstruction of portal circulation which include constipation, esophageal varices, ascites, splenomegaly, pancytopenia, low albumin, DLOC and bleeding
Diagnostic test LFT, liver scan Liver biopsy to detect destruction and fibrosis of liver tissue Abd U\S, Esophagoscopy to assess varices Paracentesis to examine ascitic fluid CBC and electrolyte
Mangement Stop alcohol and toxic drugs Correct nutritional status by vitamins, nutritional supplements high calorie and low protein Treat ascities and fluid over load by the following 1-dialy weight and assess abd girth 2- restrict sodium and water intake 3-bed rest to aid duresis 4-duretic therapy like spirolactone
Con=- 4-abdominal paracentesis 5- administer albumin to maintain osmotic pressure Treatment of other problems associated with liver failure such as anti emetic, lactulose, and streptomycin for hepatic encephalopathy Sclerotherapy and singestaken tube for esophageal varices Liver transplantation
Complication Hyponatremia and water retention Bleeding Esophageal varices Co- agulapatheis Hepatic failure Hepatic encephalopathy Portal hypertension Ascetics
Nursing care for P with L C Obtain history of chief complains and risk factors Perform abdominal examination and assessing for ascities Assess for bleeding Assess weight and abdominal girth daily Assess mental status Assess fluid and nutritional status Assess P knowledge
Nursing diagnosis Activity intolerance R\L to disease process and low energy Goal =- promoting activity tolerance N-implementation=- Assess activity tolerance Provide high caloric diet Bed rest and assist patient in daily activity Administer vitamin supplements Reassess activity tolerance
Altered nutrition less than body requirement R\L to anorexia and GIT disturbance Goal =- improving nutritional status Impaired skin integrity R\L to edema and jaundice Goal =- maintaining skin integrity Risk for bleeding R\L to altered clotting mechanism Goal=- prevent bleeding
Impaired level of consciousness R\L to deterioration of liver function and increase serum ammonia Goal =- improve level of consciousness Risk for infection R\L to low immune Risk for collaborative problems or complication such as …….. Knowledge deficit R\L to disease, drugs, complication and follow up