Current tendencies of youth unemployment in the EU Member States and the partner countries Daniela Keselova Darina Ondrusova Institute for Labour and Family Research May 23, 2016 Bratislava
Youth unemployment trends ENP East Countries IPA Countries EU-28 Slovakia – research, disadvantaged groups
Youth unemployment in ENP East Countries
Youth unemployment in IPA Countries
Youth unemployment in EU
Labour market in Slovakia Youth unemployment Source: Eurostat
Labour market in Slovakia Youth employment (15-24)
Labour market in Slovakia Youth inactivity Source: Eurostat
Labour market in Slovakia NEETs Age (%) Males Females Total Source: Eurostat
Key factors of youth unemployment: research results Low education: LFS: 22% of unemployed young people Registered: 32% of jobseekers Research IVPR in 2015 (on 300 job-seekers): Average rate of unemployment of low-education young job-seekers: 1 year and 8 months 5 months longer than average of total sample 1 month longer than people with disabilities
Key factors of youth unemployment: research results – cont. Inappropriate education = the main barrier to employment among low-educated young people according to 52% of low-educated young job-seekers Lack of practice = the main barrier among higher educated young job-seekers (according to one quarter with secondary vocational and one third with secondary general and tertiary education) Health problems = the main barrier among young people with disabilities (almost three quarters of PwD)
Key factors of youth unemployment: research results – cont. The research focused primarily on strategies, behaviour of young people at the labour market and their requirements on searched jobs Flexible working conditions: Almost 80%: temporary contracts Two-thirds : part-time work Profession: More than 80%: work in different field 26%: unskilled work Wage: Less than one quarter (23%) willing to work for the minimum wage Required netto wage in average 602 EUR
Vulnerable groups Low educated and long-term unemployed young job- seekers more open to: flexible working conditions; earn minimum wage; do the shift work, night work and non-qualified work. Wage expectations: bellow the sample average and lower than higher educated and shorter unemployed
Vulnerable groups: youth with disabilities European Disability Strategy (EDS) + Initial plan to implement the EDS : „to create and implement specific programs of transition from school to work for young people with disabilities“ Slovakia - main barriers to enter the labour market: Inadequate education, lack of practice, health problems Expectations of young disabled registered job-seekers: Lower wages than their non-disabled peers Open to temporary work Open to work in different field than qualifications
Vulnerable groups: youth with disabilities (cont.) Main policy challenges: Too few young PWD = registered job-seekers Especially disadvantaged people with intellectual disabilities Lack of individualized support Next steps: In 2016, call for proposals to support finding a first job for young PWD
Employment, practice, back to education or training as soon as possible