PRECARIOUS WORK IN THE EU Kristin Carls (external collaborator ACTRAV/ITCILO)


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Presentation transcript:

PRECARIOUS WORK IN THE EU Kristin Carls (external collaborator ACTRAV/ITCILO)

Precarious work in the crisis Three issues: (A) quantitative development: temporary + part time + own account work (B) regulations: legislation + social dialogue + collective bargaining (C) union activities Definition: precarious work = fewer rights + protections  multidimensional character: temporary, economic, organisational, social dimension

(A) Potentially precarious employment in Europe in 2010 EU27 average all workers EU27 Youth (15-24) Part time18.5%29% Temporary13.9%42.2% Own account10.2%3.6%




Labour market developments during the crisis Unemployment in Europe annual increase in unemployment ( ) unemployment rate in 2010 annual increase in youth unemployment ( ) youth unemployment rate in 2010 EU27+1.9%points9.7%+4.5%points20.8% highest country values trippled: EE + LT doubled: IR + LV +6%-points: ES+DK 17-20%: ES + LV+EE+LT %-points: LV+EE+LT; %-points: ES+IR > 30%: ES + LV+EE+LT & SL+EL




(B) Labour market regulations during the crisis flexibilisation and welfare policies reregulation of precarious work  restrictions  enhancement of rights + protections  survey results from 20 EU-countries

Flexibilisation nearly all survey countries issues:  flexibilisation of working times & easier use of part time + short-time work  easier use of temporary employment & new forms of flexible employment

Welfare policies Two phases: early crisis reactions: pointed extensions  esp. unemployment benefits + short-time working schemes since 2009/2010: heavy retrenchment  esp. social assistance + unemployment + maternity benefits

Reregulation of potentialy precarious employment some new restrictions in 11 countries  issues: maximum duration accepted reasons transformation working time flexibility some enhancements of rights+protections in 10 countries:  issues: inclusion in short-time working schemes access to unemployment benefits equal treatment

Youth related measures: focus = ALMP + flexibilisation less initiatives to enhance rights+protections  increased social security coverage: SI+EL+IT+ES + UK+AU+FR  better transition opportunities: EL+PT  counter examples: - reduced minimum wages: SE+EL - reduced legal protections: SE+ES+NL - restriction of unemployment benefits: FI+IR

Decent work outcomes?! limited efforts if compared to simultaneous flexibilisation contrasted by austerity policies

(C) Unions‘ activities recognition of precarioius work as policy issue:  priorities: transformation + restrictions + rights/protections + ALMP limited concrete activities:  specific support structures versus universal approach  organising: low-paid services & TAW + bogus self-employed + youth  awareness raising + public opinion campaigns

Young workers Activities for young workers in precarious employment:  awareness raising + communication campaigns: topics: working+housing conditions (SI/ZSSS) + internships (UK/TUC + IR/ICTU) methods: web-campaign (IT/CGIL) + action week (PT/CGTP)

Evaluations: strong + weak points:  reregulation of flexibility through social dialogue but: degrading social dialogue  campaigning on rights + protections but: lacking effectiveness  need for more attention + concrete action + organising


Who is most precarious youth  but also oldest workforce fractions low paid and low skilled jobs & less educated workers  but also highly qualified women  men = physically hard working conditions  women = low pay

23 Patterns of flexibilisation in 2010 (wohl weglassen!) age group15-24 age group temporary FR, FI, SIPL, ES, DE, PT, FR temporary + own-accountPT, PL, ESIT part-time DK; LU+BE+ATDK, IE, UK part-time + own-accountUK+IE- temporary +part-time NL, SE, DE NL, SE, SI, FI own-account IT, RO, EL; SL, CZ RO, SL, EL, all below or close to EU27-averageLT, EE, BG, LV, HU, CY, MT LT, BG, HU, LV, EE, CY, MT, BE, LU, AT

Changes in the shares of precarious work from 2007 to 2010 – EU27 average EU27 average for all workers (15-64) EU27 average for young workers (15-24) Temporary-4.8%+2.2% Part time+5.1%+13.3% Own account+2.3%+1.9%

Growth of precarious work from 2007 to 2010 – Single countries All workers (15-64)Young workers (15-24) Temporary15 countries16 countries Part time23 countries24 countries Own account18 countries14 countries