Wordly Wise Lesson 20
adj. 1. Plenty; more than enough. 2. Large in size. ample
n. 1. Something that is carried, especially a heavy load. 2. Anything that is hard to bear. v. To add to what one has to bear. burden
n. A feeling of sharing the suffering of others and of wanting to help; sympathy; pity. Compassionate adj. The state of showing compassion. compassion
v. To act in agreement with a rule or another’s wishes. comply
adj. Awkward and hard to handle; unwieldy. cumbersome
v. To cause pain or sorrow; to trouble or worry. n. Pain, sorrow, or worry. distress
v. 1. To meet unexpectedly. 2. To be faced with. n. 1. A chance meeting. 2. A battle or fight.. encounter
v. To put forth effort. Exertion n. The act of tiring oneself; a strong effort. exert
indignant adj. Angry or resentful about something that seems wrong or unfair. Indignation n. Anger that is caused by something mean or unfair.
jest n. A joke or the act of joking. v. To joke or say things lightheartedly.
n. Laughter; joyfulness expressed through laughter. mirth
n. A useful lesson about life. adj. 1. Having to do with questions of right and wrong. 2. Based on what is right and proper. moral
n. The parts far from the center, as of a town. outskirts
v. 1. To begin again after a pause. 2. To occupy again. resume
v. To make fun of; to mock. n. Words or actions intended to make fun of or mock. Ridiculous adj. Laughable; deserving of mockery. ridicule
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