A new term of the Supreme Court opens on the first Monday in October.
The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review; it interprets the Constitution, and seeks...
The nine justices of the Supreme Court tell 300 million Americans what the Constitution means. The justices are...
Chief Justice John Roberts age 52, appointed by President Bush II
Associate Justice Samuel Alito age 57, appointed by President Bush II
Associate Justice Clarence Thomas age 59, appointed by President Bush I
Associate Justice David Souter age 68, appointed by President Bush I
Associate Justice Stephen Breyer age 69, appointed by President Clinton
Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy age 71, appointed by President Reagan
Associate Justice Antonin Scalia age 71, appointed by President Reagan
Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg age 74, appointed by President Clinton
Associate Justice John Paul Stevens age 87, appointed by President Ford
Cases on the docket for recent term Do suspected terrorists held as detainees at Guantanamo have the right to legal counsel and due process in US civilian courts or can they be held indefinitely without due process? Are warrantless wiretaps constitutional? Should people convicted of crack cocaine violations serve shorter sentences than those convicted of powder cocaine violations?
Is talking about illegal pornographic images a criminal offense? Are inmates facing execution subject to cruel and unusual punishment when the three-drug cocktail doesn’t work as quickly as intended or is improperly administered and leads to excruciating pain before they die? Should registered voters be required to show valid government photo ID in order to cast a ballot?
These questions and others will be decided as the high court begins its new term. Their decisions on these constitutional issues will determine whether citizens and non-citizens alike are entitled to...