MARS By, Dylan George and Christopher Puckett
How many planets is mas from the sun Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. Named after the Roman god of war, and often described as the “Red Planet” due to its reddish appearance. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere composed primarily of carbon dioxide.
What mars is called The planet Mars is named after the Roman god of war. But does its other title, i.e., The Red Planet, have anything to do with the color of war? Seems likely. Read on to find out why Mars is called the Red Planet.
How many miles dose it take to get to mars O Mars is the only planet whose surface can be seen in detail from the Earth. It is reddish in color, and was named after the bloody red God of war of the ancient Romans. Mars is the fourth closest planet to the sun. The diameter of Mars is 4,200 miles, a little over half that of the Earth. Mercury is the only planet smaller than Mars.
Mars Planet Profile O Mass: 641,693,000,000,000 billion kg (0.107 x Earth) O Equatorial Diameter: 6,805 O Polar Diameter: 6,755 O Equatorial Circumference: 21,297 km O Known Satellites: 2 O Notable Satellites: Phobos & Deimos O Orbit Distance: 227,943,824 km (1.38 AU) O Orbit Period: Earth days (1.88 Earth years) O Surface Temperature: -87 to -5 °C O First Record: 2nd millenium BC O Recorded By: Egyptian astronomers
How many missions has been to mars? O Only 16 has been to mars. O Including orbiters, landers and rovers there have been 39 missions to Mars, not including flybys or the attempt to return a sample of Phobos. Since the first, USSR’s Marsnik 1, was launched in1960. Europe’s Exobiology on Mars program (scheduled launch 2016) plans to: search for possible traces of Martian life; study the surface environment; map potential hazards to manned missions in the future and begin preparations for an eventual return flight.
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On Mars the Sun appears about half the size as it does on Earth OAOAt the closest point to the Sun, the Martian southern hemisphere leans towards the Sun, causing a short, intensely hot summer, while the northern hemisphere endures a brief, cold winter: at its farthest point from the Sun, the Martian northern hemisphere leans towards the Sun, causing a long, mild summer, while the southern hemisphere endures a lengthy, cold winter.
Byeeeeeeee O From Dylan And Christopher