Towards cost effective housing policies in the EU a stakeholders’ consultation 24th February 2016 a project supported by the PROGRESS programme of the European Union
Questions for the group discussion 1. Policy objectives AIM: what is the most important housing goal of each stakeholder and why; can consensus be reached about goals? From the objectives mentioned in the group, which objectives are most important? Most urgent? Is it possible within a small discussion group to attach weights to the goals (linked to their importance) (given that not every goal can be tackled and choices need to be made)?
Do stakeholders have other goals to want to serve via housing policy objectives as well? Are there any housing goals they promote because they also serve other goals? For example ensuring housing quality can have positive environmental effects? Or promoting home ownership can have anti-poverty effects? Housing goals can have employment creation effects, etc?
2. Choice of Instruments AIM: what are the reasons for selecting instruments for certain goals? What is instrument selection based on? What are the arguments for preferring demand/supply side subsidies?
3. Cost-effective policies AIM: definition(s) and role of cost- effectiveness in selecting instruments to defend -What is cost-effectiveness (definition)? How is it measured in practice? -According to the stakeholders, how can housing policy become more cost-effective? What are their experiences? Good practices?