Socratic Seminar Poetry Presentation
Socratic Seminar: Comparing poems 0 AIM: To engage in effective conversation about poetry. Specifically discussing the central idea present in the four poems: “Ex-Basketball Player,” “Dreams,” “Dreams Deferred,” and “The Road Not Taken.” 0 Run our Socratic Seminar in three circles: 8-10 minute cycles. Cycle 1: “Ex-Basketball Player,” and Dream Poems- analysis, connections, and central ideas. Cycle 2: Application of “The Road Not Taken” and selection from Walden- what is the conversation taking place between the poems? Cycle 3: Open discussion
Cycle 1: 10 minutes “Ex-Basketball Player,” and Dream Poems- analysis, connections, and central ideas. 1. Choose one of the similes and analyze the way the compared object is like a dream deferred. 2. How does Langston Hughes use different variations of writing ( 5 Go-To’s ) to express his central idea? 3. Many lines in the poem, including the last one, are questions. Why do you think the poet wrote it this way? 4. Why do you think Hughes uses the word “deferred” rather than “put off” or “unfulfilled”? How does this impact the meaning of the poem? 5. Thomas Jefferson once said: “I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” Do you think Langston Hughes would agree with this statement? Updike?
Cycle 2: 10 minutes Application of “The Road Not Taken” and selection from Walden 1. What is Frost saying about choices in the first two stanzas? 2. What does Robert Frost mean by “and that has made all the difference”? 3. How do you think the poem would change if the speaker would have taken the first road? How would this change the tone of the poem? 4. Why does Thoreau go to the woods? Would Frost agree with his reasoning? 5. Choices in life present themselves all the time. Does making choices often mean making compromises? What would Frost say? Would Thoreau agree?
Cycle 3: 8 minutes Open Discussion: 0 Take-aways: what stood out to you today? 0 What did we do well as a group? Individuals? 0 What do we need to work on for our next Seminar?