Николаева Кристина Викторовна студентка 3 курса ГАПОУ ТТТ г. Орска Специальность: Коммерция (по отраслям) Авилова Кристина Вячеславовна студентка 3 курса ГАПОУ ТТТ г. Орска Специальность: Коммерция (по отраслям) A GREAT SON OF SCOTLAND - ROBERT BURNS
Contents 1. Introduction. 2. R. Burns’ biography. 3. R. Burns’ creative activity. 4. A great son of Scotland. 5. R. Burns in Russia. 6. Conclusion. 7. List of sources. Contents 1. Introduction. 2. R. Burns’ biography. 3. R. Burns’ creative activity. 4. A great son of Scotland. 5. R. Burns in Russia. 6. Conclusion. 7. List of sources.
Introduction Robert Burns is a famous Scottish poet, folklorist, the author of numerous poems written in Scottish and English. ( )
R. Burns was born on the 25 th of January, 1759 in Alloway in a peasant family. R. Burns’ biography
The family was poor, but the father wanted to give the children the best education. When Robert was six, he and his brother Gilbert went to school at Alloway Miln. R. Burns’ biography
When Robert was 13, he had to work hard on the farm. The death of his father (1784) gave him new responsibilities as the head of the family. He tried to walk in father’s steps, but unfortunately he failed as a farmer. R. Burns’ biography
In 1785 R. Burns met Jean Armour, who became meaning of his life and happiness for his short life. But they could be together after a while.
R. Burns died on the 21 st of July, 1796 in Dumfries, where he went on a business trip. He was only 37 years old. R. Burns’ biography
A. Burns started writing poems at the age of 15. He composed verses to the melodies of old folk songs, which he had admired from his early childhood. He sang of the woods, fields and wonderful valleys of his native land.
In 1786 he published his first book (in Scottish dialect). To the initial period of creativity refers: «John Barleycorn», 1782 «The Jolly Beggars», 1785, «Holy Willie’s Prayer», «The Holy Fair», The poet became known throughout Scotland. R. Burns’ creative activity
His most popular poems are - A Red Red Rose - My heart in the Highlands - Comin Thro the Rye - Auld lang syne - Is There, for Honest Poverty R. Burns’ creative activity
In Scotland there is a saying: "When Scotland forgets Burns, the world forgets Scotland." The poet has created a poetic world, glorifying his country and he is known to the world as the Scottish poet, not as English, though he wrote in the literary English. A great son of Scotland
There is at least one volume of his poems and his portrait in each Scottish house and every citizen knows hundreds of lines of his poems by heart. A great son of Scotland
R. Burns is considered to be the national poet of Scotland, and the date of his birth, the 25th of January is always celebrated. The celebration is called Burns` night. This celebration usually takes the form of a supper called Burns` supper, at which traditional Scottish dishes are eaten. A great son of Scotland
A Scottish piper plays traditional Scottish songs and one can see people in national costume- a kilt. A great son of Scotland
Burns poems are recited and after the meal is finished, there may be some Scottish dancing. The best known of these dances is so-called Highland fling. It is usually danced by one man alone. A great son of Scotland
Robert Burns in Russia The poetry of Robert Burns was widely popular in the Soviet Union due to the translation of S. Marshak.
Many songs on the Scottish poet's poems in translation of Marshak are used in movies. Among the most popular songs are the song "Love and poverty" ( the movie "Hello, I'm Your Aunt!") performed by Alexander Kalyagin, the song "For The Sake O ' Somebody" ( the movie" Office romance ") by Alisa Freundlich, the song "O my Luve's like a red, red rose" ( the movie "School waltz") by Olga Yaroshevskaya. Robert Burns in Russia
Robert Burns is a great son of Scotland and he is so attractive with his life, fate, poetics, beauty, embodied in the verses that will always excite and poets, and readers. Conclusion
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