What is it? A homophone are words that are pronounced the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. A homonym are words that are pronounced the same, spelled the same, but have different meanings
To, Too, Two Two – referring to a number, I have two pencils. To – toward I went to the mall. Too – also I too, went to the mall.
There, their, they’re There – a place I put the food over there. Their – belonging to them The girls put their books in their locker. They’re – contraction of they are They’re not coming to the dance.
Write, right Write – to inscribe Write your name on your paper. Right – correct You got the right answer!
Were, we’re Were – past tense version of “to be” Were you at school yesterday? We’re – contraction of we are We’re at school.
Your, You’re Your – belong to you Your book is in the locker. You’re – contraction of you are You’re awesome!
Buy, by, bye Buy – to purchase How much is it to buy this candy bar? By – near I sit by the window. Bye – farewell Bye, see you later!
Affect, effect Affect – to change How does global warming affect the world? Effect – result There are numerous effects of global warming…
Your turn! Create three other homophones and follow the format presented: Homophone – words, description, example