WR090 Skilled Writing through Inquiry: A Community of Scholars Examines Sustainable Food | Sustainable Agriculture Wednesday, Jan 16, 2013 Syllabus Quiz What is sustainability? Socratic Dialogue
Review your Syllabus notes for 5 minutes Quick Syllabus Quiz Preposition Homework Review Reflective freewrite Intro to Sustainability Intro to Socratic Dialogue Homework Due on Friday Jan. 18 th Order of Business
Reflective Freewrite When we think of sustainability, we might look at the word sustain. This word has an interesting history, one that really speaks to what the word means today.historywhat the word means today
Reflective Journal Reflective Journal & Discussion The theme for this term is Sustainable Food | Sustainable Agriculture. As we explore, learn about, and write about this topic, we need to first grapple with what the word “sustainable” means. Let’s look at the following videos and see what we can take away from them.
Sustainability European video (in English!): Summary of the Principles of Sustainability: Reflect, write, and discuss: what is the take-away from this video? We need to start doing things for ourselves and not continue relying on fossil fuels Clean air, water, and food is what we need to be sustainable Humans have become a threat to their own way of living If we take care of our earth, reduce destruction, we will enjoy a higher quality of life.
Sustainability Sustainable Planet (Nature Conservancy): Reflect, write, and discuss: what is the take-away from this video?
Class Discussion How will participating in a Socratic Seminar benefit your writing this term? 1.Help understand other people’s points of view 2.Helps people understand—discourse; there are usually rules that govern how discourse happens 3.Organized interaction 4.Everyone has an active role to paly
Socratic Dialogue Norms Reflect in writing to each question during the pre-seminar reflection period. Listen carefully to others. Stick to the question and support your position with references to the film or text. Speak clearly, one at a time, with no cross-talk. No side conversations under any circumstances. Accept other people’s opinions without immediately judging them as right or wrong. Participate openly. Value other people’s opinions by acknowledging them.
Homework Due Friday, Jan. 18 th Homophone Worst Offender List Preposition HW: Ex 4.2, p. 43 Re-read and annotate: Press release of study showing a link between childhood obesity and watching junk food commercials on children’s television Read and annotate, “The Power of Study Groups”