Globalization is the movement and integration of goods and people among different countries. Globalization is driven by international trade and aided by information technology.
History of Globalization Ancient Greek culture, for instance, spread across much of southwestern Asia, northern Africa, and southern Europe Alexander the Great – cities named after him are found in Iraq (Iskandariya), Egypt (Alexandria), and Turkey (Alexandria Troas). The Silk Road, a trade route between China and the Mediterranean Sea The globalization of Christianity spread from Europe to Latin America through Christian missionaries Globalization was accelerated in the nineteenth century with the Industrial Revolution India supplied cotton to Britain Globalization spred up dramatically in the twentieth century with the proliferation of air travel, the expansion of free trade, and the dawn of the Information Age. 3
Globalization In groups discuss possible pros and cons of globalization for developed and developing countries.
Impact of Globalization Economy Environment Culture Human Rights
Globalization: Pros & Cons Examples China: Reform led to the largest poverty reduction in history. Between 1990 and 2005, poverty rates in the country fell from 60% to 16%, leaving 475 million fewer people in poverty. India: Cut its poverty rate in half in the past two decades. Uganda: Poverty fell 40% during the 1990s and school enrollments doubled. Vietnam: Surveys of the country's poorest households show 98% of people improved their living conditions in the 1990s.
Globalization: Pros & Cons Examples Many countries in Africa have failed to share in the gains of globalization. Their exports have remained confined to a narrow range of primary commodities. Over the last few years, there have been protests about the effects of globalization in the United States and Europe.
8 Globalization - main terms Outsourcing - 11 min columbia/insiders-say-canada-scammed-by-foreign-worker-industry http:// columbia/insiders-say-canada-scammed-by-foreign-worker-industry Offshore – 3-5 min exposes-offshore-financial-secrets http:// exposes-offshore-financial-secrets Offshore - In financial language, the term “offshore” is used metaphorically to describe any business or investment made outside the country of residence. Source: 8
9 Government arrangements Tariff-free or foreign trade zones tariff-free-zone-for-manufacturers/article / articlehttp:// tariff-free-zone-for-manufacturers/article / While there is no precise definition of what constitutes a foreign trade zone (FTZ), the term generally refers to a specific location within a country that is officially designated for eligibility for tariff and tax exemptions with respect to the purchase or importation of raw materials, components or finished goods. Such materials and goods can generally be stored, processed or assembled in the FTZ for re-export (in which case taxes and duties generally would not apply) or for entry into the domestic market (in which case taxes and duties would be deferred until the time of entry). Source:
10 Tariff free zone tariff-free-zone-for-manufacturers/article / tariff-free-zone-for-manufacturers/article / The Harper government is offering $300-million in cost cuts for Canadian manufacturers by reducing tariffs on a wide range of imports used in production. 2010
11 Maquilas Today is used to describe factories that employ sweatshop labor from Central America to the Far East. Original maquiladoras were set up along the U.S.-Mexico border more than 20 years ago by U.S. (and later other) multinational corporations seeking lower labor costs. Companies were exempt from local taxation.
Key International Organizations World Trade Organization International Monetary Fund – IMF - World Health Organization – UN Environment Program - International Labour Organization - World Food Program - (poverty) UNICEF Rights of the children IOM
13 Environmental standards Canada - WTO - environmental agreements e.htm e.htm MEAs - multilateral environmental agreements a_e.htm a_e.htm UN Environment Program -
14 Key International Agencies International Monetary Fund - IMF Key activities: Surveillance Technical support Lending -
15 Key International Agencies International Labour Organization ilo/multimedia/features/malawi/lang--en/index.htmhttp:// ilo/multimedia/features/malawi/lang--en/index.htm child labour fire prevention education the-ilo/multimedia/video/public-service- announcements/WCMS_213768/lang--en/index.htmhttp:// the-ilo/multimedia/video/public-service- announcements/WCMS_213768/lang--en/index.htm
16 Key International Agencies World Health Organization Mission Example - Syrian Arab Republic: put polio risk above all other interests vaccination/en/index.htmlhttp:// vaccination/en/index.html
17 Key International Agencies World Food Program - (poverty) Water Privatization video 2F48F357164DBD7E&index=13 slide/video 2F48F357164DBD7E&index=10