HOW TO APPLY: Please follow the directions that are included in this slide. Review the questions in the following slides, and answer them in a personalized powerpoint. Make it artsy, make it professional, make it you. Please be sure to submit your powerpoint to by 3/3016 at 11:59pm (don’t be late…or else we have to stay up later). If you have any questions please contact
INTRODUCTION Jun Chen Sophomore, graduating May 2018 CBS: Biochemistry Major, Public Health Minor National Member of AMSA Since: 2014 Fun Fact: I almost drowned at the age of 6. To this day, I still refuse to learn how to properly swim.
WHAT TRAITS TO YOU POSSESS THAT WILL BENEFIT THE EXECUTIVE BOARD? The most important trait that I believe I possess is my passion towards Pre-Med AMSA. One must be passionate about the student group to truly serve to benefit the organization. I think that I am an open- minded individual who is willing to take suggestions from others. This will beneficial in avoiding unnecessary argument within the leadership group while achieving maximum efficiency. I am not afraid to admit mistakes that I made because the acknowledgement of mistakes is important for me to grow as an individual. I believes theses will be beneficial in conducting business within the executive board.
WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE ON THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Pre-Med AMSA strives to bring the community of pre- medical students together. After joining AMSA, this also became one of my goals. The path to medicine is not easy for most. The countless hours of studying, the mounting pile of stress, and the constant pressure to be the “perfect applicant” can be difficult to cope with. The establishment of a tight-knitted community has developed a great support system for members not only for studies, but also friendship, networking opportunities, and a sense of belong within a 50,000 student campus. I want to play a larger role within this amazing student organization and become a part of the support systems for my peers with similar aspirations.
HOW HAVE YOU CONTRIBUTED TO AMSA? For the academic year of , I served as the volunteer coordinator for AMSA. Partnering with a number of non-profit organizations, I was able to lead AMSA members to contribute back to the Minneapolis/St. Paul community via service through events such as People Serving People, Cook4Kids, Habitat for Humanity, MMRF and Chocoholic Frolic 5K, Cooking up hope, and Second Harvest Heartland. I believe my work as the volunteer coordinator had also built valuable relationships between members that will impact the rest of their collegiate careers. I have assisted with various AMSA events aside from my own duties to ensure the success of the events.
WHAT WOULD BE YOUR FIRST CHOICE OF POSITION TO RUN FOR? WHY? I would like to run for the position of Treasurer. My experience of serving as the volunteer coordinator for AMSA had made me more passionate about this student group as I described earlier. I would like to see a different aspect of AMSA by taking on a different leadership position. The work of the treasurer mainly occurs in the background; however, the management of finances is vital to the normal functions of the student group. I have had past experiences in accounting through academics and money management through my work as restaurant manager, so I am confident that I will be a suitable candidate to hold the position as treasurer.
WHAT WOULD BE YOUR FIRST CHOICE OF POSITION TO RUN FOR? WHY? CONTINUED I have prepared for this position by conversing with Alex, the current Treasurer, about current financial issues within the student group and how to potentially improve the situation. In addition, I attended the Treasurer’s workshop this spring with Alex to learn about the responsibility of the treasurer and received great insight.
IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN RUNNING FOR A SECOND POSITION, WHAT WOULD YOUR SECOND CHOICE POSITION BE? WHY? The second position that I am interested to run for is the events coordinator. Similar to volunteer coordinator, the position of events coordinator requires the similar skills in organization, planning, and communication. Thus, I am confident to carry out the duties of the events coordinator. I have assisted in the organization of Pre-Med Dinners in the past school semesters, so I fully understand what the position entails.
IN A FEW SENTENCES, WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES? I believe my strengths reside with my organizational skills, responsibility, and the ability to persevere through difficult situations. I believe my strengths set a great foundation for my qualification as a leader. I weakness would be the flaw in communication skills; however, during my time as volunteer coordinator, I have stepped out of my comfort zone through pubic speaking during meetings and conserve with new members in attempt to improve my communication skills. I will continue to do so in order make myself a better candidate for positions that I would like to hold.
WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE FUTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION? NO MATTER HOW CRAZY…WE WANT TO HEAR IT! A steady increase member participation with in Pre- Med AMSA have been observed in the past two years; however, the ratio of member participation in comparison to the numbers of total members is still low. For the future, I want to work towards increasing the participation of our members. In addition to increasing member participation, I would like to develop a detailed budget to manage AMSA’s spending. By having a concrete budget laid out it will allow current and future events to be better planned and formed more cohesively in respect to the rest of the budget.
PUBLIC SPEAKING PROCESS REQUIRED On a selected date you will be called to speak with 3 AMSA members pertaining to your Board Position. Additionally, on a selected Wednesday we will ask all of our board members to give a 2 minute speech on given prompts. Additional information will be supplied after the application submission time has closed. If you can not make Wednesday meetings we will ask that you record such speech for the members to view.
THANK YOU FROM THE EXECUTIVE BOARD! We wanted to thank you for taking the time to fill out the executive board application. Few of the Executive Board members will not be returning, and we especially wanted to thank you for continuing to make AMSA GREAT, and making this past year a year to remember! We hope you had a blast, and we wish you the best of luck on your way to becoming a FANTASTIC member of the medical field! Brady and Autumn