Colloquialisms in the US Ramanpreet Nagra
American Slang
Greetings! Hey... y'all homie bud buddy girl man there!
Greetings! Wassup? What's new? What's happenin'? What's goin' on?
Describing things Hella – hecka – wicked – kinda – mad (adj) Good Awesome – sick – epic – cool – hip – neat – rocking – solid – fab – killer – rad – sweet – badass Neutral (kinda bad) Aight – okay – meh - Bad Cheesy – lame – crap - sketchy
Describing people POSITIVE NEGATIVE Babe Looker Ripped Fox Stud Beast Hottie Has a hot bod! Laid back Goof/goofy/goofball Cool guy/dude/chick/gal Loser Dirt Jerk Bitchy Flaky Turn-off Dorky/Geeky Airhead/dickhead Sketchy Ass Slut
Verbs (+) FeelingsActions To be amped/pumped To have a blast/ball To have a crush on somebody To be hooked on something To be stoned/high To be in To kill/smash/nail/own/ (something)
Verbs (-) FeelingsActions To be pissed (off) To be beat To be pooped (out) To be wasted To goof off To goof up To screw up To suck
Making Plans & Meeting People Wanna hangout? I'll pick you up. Wanna chill (out) at my crib/pad/place after? I got the munchies, yo! Yeah, I got this! Yeah, man. Let's shoot some hoops. Yea, you got some/a nice wheels/ride! Can I come over? Fo'sho – fo'shizzle Let's pig out. Takeout? No, it's on me. You get the next one.
Expressions Wassup? Froyo? Girl, that's BS. Too much booze last night? Oh man.. been pukin'/barfin'? No kidding! Okay, no biggie. Been a couch potato all day anyway. Feel better! Dunno, girl. I got the runs. Raincheck? F'real, yo. Got dumped last night, too. Yeah, like a bazillion/jillian times!
Expressions Hey, how you holdin' up? Really? How's the beemer? Dang, that sucks! Mos'def. You made a booboo, boo. Aight, got busted yesterday. Beat up, got towed. It's gonna cost me 3 grand! Ain't got the guts to ask my old man to cover me.
Leaving I'm out. I'm outta here. I'm heading out. Gotta go.
Goodbye! See you later! See ya! Take it easy. Talk soon. Catch ya later. Have a good one. Later.