A Guide to Referencing For Leisure Studies LRC – Autumn 2015
Harvard Referencing Style Various referencing styles Most subjects use Harvard based system Useful book: Palgrave’s Cite them Right
Setting out your work We will cover: In text citations References Citation List and Bibliography
We will reference: Books, including textbooks Journals i.e. Leisure Opportunities Files & reports Websites – organisation or individual
Acknowledge your sources: Citation & Referencing You should cite your source - Whenever you use quotes Whenever you paraphrase Whenever you use an idea that someone else has already expressed Whenever you make specific reference to the work of another Whenever someone else’s work has been critical in developing your own ideas
Is there a difference ? Citation - showing a particular word or phrase in context. Making reference to an authority, particularly in the text. Reference – material contained in a footnote or bibliography referring back to a quote or passage in your text.
Citations in the text In-text citations usually list either the name of the publication or the author of the work. Here are examples: ‘Inspiring a generation?’ (Fact File, 2014, p142) From your textbook : As earlier identified (Roberts, Ian (2001) Or from a website: The latest study of health professionals ( 2009) reveals that.... If you cite in the text you need to put the full details of the resource in your Bibliography
References - books Author Year of publication (in round brackets) Title (in italics) Edition (only if it is not the 1 st ) Place of publication: publisher Reference your textbook: Roberts, Ian (2001) Leisure and Recreation, Oxford: Heinemann Education
References – Journal articles Author (surname followed by initials) Year of publication (in round brackets) Title of article in quotation marks Title of journal (in italics) Volume number (in italics) Issue (in round brackets): page numbers Example: Leisure Opportunities – there are no authors! In this case: Leisure Opportunities (2014) ‘600 English schools share £18m Sport England funding’, 24 June-07 July p.3. Leisure Opportunities Online: add: [Online] available at: Accessed: 30 th September 2015www.leisureopportunities.co.uk
References – Files and Reports Author (surname followed by initials) or organisation Year of publication (in round brackets) Title of Report Place of publication: publisher Example: Report downloaded from Oliver Redshaw, P. and Clark, Dr. B, (2011) ‘Hospitality and Leisure Second Quarter 2011’ Barclays Corporate plc
References – websites Author Year the site was published/last updated (in round brackets) Title of internet site (in italics) The website address (url) Date of access Example: KPMG (2014) Budget 2014: Chancellor says “bravo” as he announces tax breaks. Available at: eleases/Pages/budget-2014-chancellor-says-bravo-to-the-theatre-as-he- announces-tax-breaks.aspx (Accessed 9th October 2014) eleases/Pages/budget-2014-chancellor-says-bravo-to-the-theatre-as-he- announces-tax-breaks.aspx
References – online reference works Use reference given BUT insert date of retrieval
Appendices An Appendix is a piece of evidence you include to support your work Each Appendix should be numbered in the top right hand corner In the text you would refer to it: “As I have shown in Appendix The Appendices come after the main body of work and before the list of citations and your bibliography
Citations and Bibliography You must list all the sources you have cited in your text as a Citation List In addition you should list all the sources you have used in researching for your work You must list your sources in a Bibliography at the end of your work
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