Remarriage 1.To examine the complex issues around remarriage. 2.To explore issues for religious believers about remarriage in a church
Should people be allowed to remarry? When people marry they genuinely believe that it will be forever. However for some people marriages break down. Some people get lonely and begin new relationships. Sometimes the relationship can become serious and may lead to the new couple wanting to marry. Remarriage allows people a second chance of happiness.
Catholic View... Cannot remarry in a Catholic church because divorce is not recognised. The vows say “till death us do part” “What God has joined together let no man put asunder” Man cannot separate a marriage only God.
Anglican View... Depends on the Vicar. Some vicars will not remarry but may offer a blessing after a registry office wedding. Some vicars will remarry. They would have to meet with the vicar to discuss why the 1 st marriage went wrong to try and ensure it wouldn’t happen again.
Charles and Camilla had a registry office wedding with a religious blessing afterwards.
Quaker View... Already-divorced people are able to marry within a Quaker meeting, as long as they are legally free to do so and have satisfied the members that they are ready to make this commitment. A Quaker wishing to be remarried must explain their situation before the members at a monthly meeting, to get permission to re-marry in front of the meeting. The marriage may only take place once this has been granted.
Produce a table with arguments for and against remarriage: For RemarriageAgainst Remarriage
Over to you... Do you think remarriage should be allowed to take place in a church?