ePortfolios for all A 2010 Vision for Adult Learning Centres Serge Ravet, EIfEL
Towards a Learning Society What characterises the knowledge economy is the organic link between the different contexts of learning Individual learning Community learning Organisational learning Territorial learning (learning cities and regions) Industrial Society focused on training (assimilation) Knowledge Economy focused on learning (accommodation) Up to 1970sLearning to work 70 – 80 Learning at work 80 – 90 Learning through work 21 st century Learning is work ePortfolio
Maastricht Declaration […] the development of an open and flexible European qualifications framework, founded on transparency and mutual trust. The framework will provide a common reference to facilitate the recognition and transferability of qualifications covering both VET [vocational Education and Training] and general (secondary and higher) education, based mainly on competences and learning outcomes. It will improve permeability within education and training systems, provide a reference for the validation of informally acquired competences and support the smooth and effective functioning of the European, national and sectoral labour markets. The framework should be underpinned by a set of common reference levels. It should be supported by instruments agreed at European level, particularly quality assurance mechanisms to create the necessary mutual trust […]
What is an ePortfolio? “a collection of authentic and diverse evidence, drawn from a larger archive representing what a person or organization has learned over time on which the person or organization has reflected, and designed for presentation to one or more audiences for a particular rhetorical purpose” (NLII, 2003). ePortfolios are a combination of Archive – heterogeneous, distributed – learning outcomes, reflections, testimonies, etc. Views – multiple, according to the function, e.g. assessment, job finding Services – supporting processes, e.g. cross-referencing, profile matching To value the assets of individuals, communities and organisations ePortfolios are a personal and social objects I decide what is public, restricted, shared, opened to feedback and private I take it wherever I want, whenever I want and the way I want It can be seen as the digital identity of the 21st century
Portfolios histories A tool in paper format already used by millions (e.g. UK, Italy, Australia, China, US, Finland…) To support learning and professional development To accredit experience and competencies An approach to learning where reflection is valued An approach to assessment based on A global, holistic, view of the individual An integrated view of the learning and assessment process, outcome-based – in the professional or social context An assessment of knowledge ‘inferred’ from naturally occurring evidence, rather than from the results of exams or tests
ePortfolio Pratices Learning Individual Plan/manage learning Reflect Manage knowledge and competencies Collaborative Peer feedback Sharing knowledge across a community Assessment Assessment for learning Authentic, holistic, assessment Peer review Self-assessment (reflexive) Recognition Storytelling Histoire de vie Peer recognition within a community Validation Non-formal and informal learning Prior experience Prior learning Certification Competencies Professional re-accreditation …
What does the ‘e’ add to portfolios? Paper portfolio allows Collecting Selecting Reflecting Projecting Celebrating ePortfolio adds Archiving Linking/Thinking Storytelling Collaborating Publishing
What does the ‘e’ add to portfolios? The paperless portfolio Dematerialises documentation The workflow portfolio Supports processes – e.g. learning, assessment, recruitment The knowledge portfolio Provides the elementary bricks of KM systems The socialite portfolio Interconnects digital clones of knowledge workers “ e P o r t f o l i o s a r e t h e a n t i d o t e t o t h e i n v a s i o n o f m u l t i p l e c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s ” Contents digital multimedia Types individual & community Tools content management Lifespan lifelong and lifewide Structure networks Relations one to many Processes multiple Services infinite
How can I describe my ePortfolio? My digital clone A digital representation / extension of my self – my eSelf My work companion A tool blended into my learning / working environment My butler A service provider to one’s self My dashboard An informative display of the state of my skills and knowledge My planner A tool to plan my learning My IPR management assistant A tool to value and exploit my personal assets
Individual Reflective practitioner, Manage personal development planning and CPD, get accreditation of prior learning, – NVQs (UK) Professional community Share informed practice and knowledge, develop competencies – Royal College of Physicians (Ca), RCN (UK) Organisation Identify, manage and publicise collective competencies– Telecom Valley (F). Territory (learning region & city) Value social capital, plan learning policies– Wales, Netherlands Why do we need ePortfolios? “CPD isn’t about ticking boxes after attending a course, it is about extracting learning from the workplace” “In a digital world, citizens must be able to present themselves digitally” Learn, capture knowledge Assess knowledge & skills Share knowledge Value, exploit knowledge & skills
Possibles entries for introducing ePortfolios Processes Education & training Assessment & certification e.g. NVQs (UK) APL, APE Quality Assurance… Organisation, community Class Programme Community e.g. ordres professionnels (Québec), RCN (UK), Craft professionals (F) Institution Firm Territory National and regional policies Québec, Wales, England, Netherlands, Norway Italy Minnesota, Guadeloupe, Victoria & Tasmania Actors Students / alumni Learners / teachers / parents / …… Contents Key competencies, ICT skills Language Trainer training Medicine Emerging practices Blogs, lifeblogs Mobile learning…
Wales, a learning country Flexible accreditation framework ePortfolio for 3 million citizens Supported by Careers Wales 49,000 users 6 months after launch “The e-portfolio will grow with the individual, allowing them to develop a habit of recording and understanding their learning achievements and progress which will be stored in a central digital location.”
England eLearning strategy PRIORITY 1 - Provide an integrated online information service for all citizens PRIORITY 2 - Ensure integrated online personal support for learners. […] Our second priority extends this personalised support to learners, helping with all stages of education, and with progression to the next stage. We will encourage every institution to offer a personal online learning space to store coursework, course resources, results, and achievements. We will work towards developing a personal identifier for each learner, so that organisations can support an individual’s progression more effectively. Together, these facilities will become an electronic portfolio, making it simpler for learners to build their record of achievement throughout their lifelong learning. PRIORITY 3 - A collaborative approach to personalised learning activities
International US – largest number of users, although currently most widespread in field of education at all levels, apart from Minnesota State initiative; used for digital story-telling Canada – well established in schools, universities and teacher education. Government of Quebec committed to development of e- portfolio Singapore – National Institute of Education leading a project on electronic portfolios and IT integration and education Australia – numerous initiatives in education; used for women returners and digital story-telling. State of Victoria provides a site for the vocational sector
ePortfolio related European Projects EIfEL is leading and partner in: EPICC – ePortfolio interoperability TELCERT – ePortfolio conformance testing Triangle – EFQUEL, ePortfolio for quality assurance Key-PAL – ePortfolio for key competencies eTTCampus – ePortfolio for accrediting teachers and trainers competencies Gears – ePortfolio for SME managers competencies Osmosys – ePortfolio for Adult Learning Centres Inflow – ePortfolio for recognition of informal learning at the workplace Silographic – ePortfolio for graphic designer competencies eCreator – ePortfolio for instructional designer competencies …
The E-portfolio in action: the medical sector The Royal College of Nursing (UK) – largest professional union of nursing staff in the world (340,000 members) Creation of learning portal to assist members to develop e- portfolios to: Demonstrate competence Keep up to date with current issues in area of practice Obtain re-registration Continue professional development Portfolios contain reflective diaries, case histories, critical incidents and independent testimonials Seen as key step in efforts to encourage lifelong learning and support nurses to deliver better patient care In professional medicine, increasing demands for reflective clinical practice, and skills and attitudes appropriate to audit, appraisal and professional revalidation: initiatives in the UK, Canada, the Netherlands Other medical professionals involved in eP initiatives: dentists, veterinary surgeons, pharmacists, radiographers
The success condition Investments Research (semantic web, P2P), infrastructures, personal (make your own!) Innovation More than paperless portfolios, towards the educational reform Interoperability Technical (global interoperability), organisational, personal (social network) Inclusion For all, in particular for the people with disabilities, physical and cognitive
2010 Roadmap Europe Regions, States Professional bodies, unions & communities Institutions Courses / classes Individuals ePortfolio Awareness Multilingual sources of information Public-Private partnerships … ePortfolio Policies Regional, National and European eCitizenship and eGovernance … ePortfolio Technologies Interoperability, privacy and authentification … ePortfolio Implementation Pilot programmes Competency development …
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