What’s the Word? 1.Re-read “The Sound of Summer Running,” annotating for repeated images and ideas (motifs). 2.Using your annotations, identify the one-word abstract subject that the story addresses, then in a complete sentence express the theme of the selection as it relates to that subject. The theme statement must include the word that you identified as an abstract subject. 3.Read “The Sound of Summer Running” again, this time focusing annotation on the specific diction (word choice) that Bradbury uses to develop the theme that you’ve identified. 4.Choose one word from the short story that best reflects the theme of the short story. 5.Go to In the “Title” box, type the one word that you’ve identified as best reflecting the theme of the short. In the “Motivational Text” box, quote the most significant sentence, sentences, or fragment of sentence(s) from the selection that contain this word. 6.Use the internet browser of your choice to search for and locate a picture or photograph that shows the connection between the theme of the story and the “most important word from the text” that you’ve chosen. You may not use any picture or photo that is copy-written or water-marked. Save the photo to the desktop of the computer, then upload it in the “Upload Your Photo” box. 7.Preview your poster and make any necessary changes to colors and placements to improve legibility. 8.Click “Create” and save your poster in your H drive. 9.Login to Blackboard and upload your poster to the Discussion Board under the thread “Summer Running Thematic Diction Analysis.” After reading Ray Bradbury’s short story “The Sound of Summer Running,” you will create a mock motivational/ meme-style poster to present the single most important word that Bradbury used to develop the theme of the story. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. This task uses: Big Huge Labs.Com Common Core/NG Standard(s): RL.7.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RL.7.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
4321 PhotoThe picture or photo chosen for the poster mimics the stereotypical style of motivational posters commonly seen; it is an awe- inspiring, beautiful work of art. The connection between the photo and the theme of the story is evident. The picture or photo chosen for the poster somewhat mimics the stereotypical style of motivational posters commonly seen; it is an acceptable work of art. The connection between the photo and the theme of the story is evident. The picture or photo chosen for the poster either does not mimic the stereotypical style of motivational posters commonly seen OR The connection between the photo and the theme of the story is not evident. The picture or photo chosen for the poster does not in any way mimic the stereotypical style of meme or motivational posters commonly seen. No connection to the story is evident. Diction / Word ChoiceThe single word chosen is significant to the story and reflects the theme the author intended to present. The single word chosen somewhat reflects the theme of the story; it is somewhat significant. Only 4 panels relate to the theme. The single word chosen is not significant in the story, nor does it relate to the theme. Quoted passagesThe passages chosen include the significant word and reflect significant moments in the development of the theme. The passages chosen include the significant word, but do not reflect significant moments in the development of the theme. The passages chosen include the significant word OR reflect significant moments in the development of the theme, but not both The passages chosen do not include the significant word, nor do they reflect significant moments in the development of the theme. AestheticsColors, font, outlines, and all visual attributes contribute to a legible poster with a professional appearance. One-two choices of colors, font, outlines, or other visual attributes distract from a fairly legible poster with a professional appearance. Three-four choices of colors, font, outlines, or other visual attributes distract from a fairly legible poster with a professional appearance. Colors clash, fonts are difficult to read or other visual problems cause parts of the poster to be illegible. Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar There are no spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors. There are 1-3 spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors. There are 4-5 spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. There are more than 5 spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. Time and EffortClass time was used wisely. Much time and effort went into the planning and design of the comic. Class time was used wisely, however the student could have put in more time and effort into the planning. Class time was used wisely, however the student could have put more time and effort into the design. Class time was not used wisely. Rubric for Poster