Social Selling with LinkedIn Creating a Credible Presence Connecting to the Right Prospects Engagement and Communication Strategies Content Marketing and Social Selling By Viveka von Rosen
Profile Optimization Class Two
Steps to Take: A Few Interesting Statistics followed by the your first LinkedIn Steps: Step 1: Setting Your Foundations Step 2: Preparing Your Foundation Step 3: Branding and Content Creation Step 4: The Finishing Steps Resources to Download: LinkedIn Profile QuestionnaireLinkedIn Profile Questionnaire 3
“A LEAD is someone in a company, business, industry or organization who you find (or attract) that has a perceived need for your product or service, is aware of that need, and has the desire and ability to purchase your product or service. ” What is a Lead?
Step 1: Setting Your Foundations Goal Setting (Prioritize) Keyword Gathering Keyword Placement 5
Goal Setting: Prioritize Why do you think you are on LinkedIn? How are you going to use it? Finding Leads / Lead Generation Engaging with Prospects Setting yourself up as a thought-leader or subject matter expert Generating visibility for your business Other 6
Getting Clear on Your Audience Do you know exactly who your audience/tribe/market is? (You can have more than one – but make sure they are defined) – Who are they? – What gender? – What age? – What race? – What economic classification / income bracket? – What do they like? – How do they spend their free time? – What is their Point of Pain? 7
Gathering Your Materials What Marketing Collateral have you already created that you can repurpose for your LinkedIn profile? – Resume – Company Bio – Personal Bio – Business Mission and Vision Statement – Personal Mission Statement – Videos – Photos – Presentations 8
Step 2: Preparing Your Foundation A.Profile Settings B.Keyword Gathering C.Keyword Placement 9
A. Profile Settings Are your LinkedIn privacy and settings protecting you? 10
Accessing Your Settings 11
Account Settings 12
Addresses Keep LinkedIn from duplicating your account 13 Add ALL your addresses Consider creating a unique LinkedIn address Choose which address you want your connections to see - Primary
LinkedIn Help 14
Contacting Help – Duplicate Accounts 15
Add Phone Number for Sign In Backup 16
Select Your Language 17
Check your Activity (Yikes!) 18
Do You Want AutoPlay? (Probably Not) 19
Do You Want to see OTHER’s Profile Photos? Sure.. Why Not? (Except Recruiters) 20
Make Sure to Request and Archive! 21
Third Party Apps 22
Delete Unfamiliar 3 rd Party Apps 23
On Twitter? Only add Professional Accounts 24
Manage Your Account 25
Ranking 27
Connections Visibility: Important! 28
Viewers Also Viewed (Competitors/Colleagues) 29
Profile Visibility: To be Anonymous or Not? 30
News: Reputation Management 31
Blocking Management 32
Ads and Stuff 33
Frequency 34
Turn Most ON! 35
Benefit of Premium Account: OpenLink 36
Group Invite and Notifications 37
Um… no thanks... 38
Do you know the best keywords and search terms you can use to get found on LinkedIn? (Check Worksheet) B. Keyword Gathering 39
LinkedIn Search 40
Questionnaire List 41
Add to Your List 42
Knowing where to put your keywords and what your character limits are per section. C. Keyword Placement 43
Prioritize 44
Title Fields 45
Interests 46
A.Profile Content B.Adding Media C.Customizing Your Links Step 3: Branding & Content Creation 47
Check how and where people are finding you in Who’s Viewed Content is still KING! 48
Creating powerful branded profile content to engage and attract! Professional Headline A. Profile Content 49
Summary Section 50
Add media for branding and credentials Profile Photo - Change in Edit Profile B. Adding Media 51
Adding Files to Your Summary, Experience and Education 52
Creating more traffic and a better Google presence Public Profile URL C. Customizing Your Links 53
Website Links 54
Remember MOBILE Summary Links Keywords! C. Customizing Your Links 55
A.Content Content Content B. Recommendations and Endorsements C.Additional Sections D.Additional Information Additional sections to add a final polish to your profile Step 4: The Finishing Steps 56
EXPERIENCE 1000 Characters Location Links Special Characters A. Content Content Content 57
Add additional relevant experience (not just Jobs) 1000 Characters Testimonials? More Work Experience 58
1000 Characters Traditional and non-traditional Add any relevant info to description Education 59
What’s the Difference? B. Recommendations and Endorsements 60
Best Practices for Recommendations Go to Choose the Experience or Education you would like to be recommended for Tell the person how you know them Give them some speaking points If the person is very busy and you know them quite well you could offer to write a first draft for them 61
Best Practices for Endorsements 62
Projects Publications Certifications Education Volunteer Work Organizations C. Additional Sections 63
Advice for Contacting D. Additional Information 64
Do you know your goals for being on LinkedIn? Do you know your keywords? And where to put them for better visibility? Have you adjusted your settings for better privacy and engagement? Have you gathered your marketing materials? Do you have, and have you added the media you need for better branding? Did you customize your web links? Have you requested and given Recommendations? Have you requested and given Endorsements? Have you added additional information? Do you feel your LinkedIn profile is complete? What are the next 3 steps you’ll take? Are you ready for Class Three: Connecting and Engaging with LinkedIn? Wrapping Up 65