Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen Paul Scherrer Institut Synchrotron Light Sources at the Paul Scherrer Institute at the 20th ESLS workshop at BESSY.


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Presentation transcript:

Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen Paul Scherrer Institut Synchrotron Light Sources at the Paul Scherrer Institute at the 20th ESLS workshop at BESSY Andreas Lüdeke, Operations Manager of the Swiss Light Source Paul Scherrer Institut

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) 19-Nov-2012 Page 2 PSI facts & figures: Staff: 1500 Budget: 350 MCHF/a Ext. users: 2300/a Sci. publication: 1000/a Patient visits: 6000/a PSI facts & figures: Staff: 1500 Budget: 350 MCHF/a Ext. users: 2300/a Sci. publication: 1000/a Patient visits: 6000/a Swiss Light Source (SLS): Started in Aug Serves 19 beamlines 65% of ext. users at PSI Swiss Light Source (SLS): Started in Aug Serves 19 beamlines 65% of ext. users at PSI HIPA Proscan SLS SINQ Large Research Facilities

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY Swiss Light Source (SLS) Beamlines  10 undulator beamlines  9 dipole beamlines  No further beamline planned! Yearly schedule ~5000 h user operation ~1800 h development ~1900 h shut downs 19-Nov-2012 Page 3

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY SLS Operation Statistics 19-Nov-2012 Page 4

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY SLS Operation Statistics: Number of Incidents 19-Nov-2012 Page 5

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY RF cavity water leaks 19-Nov-2012Page 6 Photo provided by Lukas Stingelin

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY RF cavity water leaks 19-Nov-2012Page 7 Photo provided by Lukas Stingelin

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY RF cavity replacement: ELETTRA type 19-Nov-2012Page 8 Photo provided by Lukas Stingelin

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY Test stand 500 MHz RF & solid state amplifier 19-Nov-2012Page 9 Booster Cavity in Tunnel Klystron HVPS for Klystron New cavity in test-bunker Solid state amplifier (60kW) Waveguide switch Lukas Stingelin et al

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY Beam size measurement & control TIARA: T est I nfrastructure and A ccelerator R esearch A rea WP6 «SVET»: S LS V ertical E mittance T uning Use the SLS as «test-bed» for low-coupling damping rings Study measurement and control of coupling Study Intra-Beam-Scattering effects NIM paper 16.Oct.2012, Masamitsu Aiba et al, Ultra low vertical emittance at the SLS through systematic and random optimization Talk by Angela Saa Hernandez: Design and expected performance of the new SLS beam size monitor Talk tomorrow by Roy Aleksan: Presentation of TIARA 19-Nov-2012Page 10

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY Short Pulses at the SLS: low-α Low-α optics established in 2009 α 1 = 3.6 x RMS bunch length 8 ps at 50 mA total beam current (For comparison: 40 ps at 400 mA is normal operation) Interest by 3 out of 18 beamlines Two blocks of 80 hours beam time used in 2010 Insufficient man power at beamlines to prepare and run these experiments Not enough results to justify operating for 3 out of 18 Discontinued 19-Nov-2012Page 11

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY Short Pulses at the SLS: FEMTO 19-Nov-2012Page 12 Picture provided by Gerhard Ingold

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY FEMTO laser-pump / X-ray-probe experiments 19-Nov-2012Page 13 Pictures provided by Gerhard Ingold

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY FEMTO Achievements Installation in April 2006 Measured sliced flux: 4 ∙ 10 5 ph/s/0.1% bw at 5 keV repetition 2 kHz Background suppression: 1000:1 (core beam) Pump-probe time resolution: 200 fs ~5 weeks of operation / year Publications : 1 PRL / 0.75 year Beamline termination scheduled: 1st of July Nov-2012Page 14

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY Short Pulses at PSI: SwissFEL 19-Nov-2012Page 15 1 st construction phase nd construction phase Linac 3Linac 1InjectorLinac 2 ATHOS 0.7-7nm ARAMIS nm 0.35 GeV2.0 GeV3.0 GeV≤ 5.8 GeV user stations ≤ 3.4 GeV BC1BC2

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY SwissFEL building site 19-Nov-2012Page 16

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY SwissFEL Development: Injector Test Facility (SITF) Facility to test: Electron Source: laser gun development RF: low-level regulations, RF modulator development, X-band Bunch compression studies Diagnostics development: EO, CSR, Beam arrival Controls development: beam synchronous data acquisition Additional plans: Test U15 prototype with beam 19-Nov-2012Page 17 X-band system dipole quadrupole BPM+screen screen 250 MeV S-band LinacDeflecting cavity Bunch compressor Picture provided by Thomas Schietinger

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY SwissFEL development: C-band RF amplifier 19-Nov-2012Page 18 50MW/100Hz C-band Klystron from Toshiba commissioned Skandinova K2 modulator in use, but 2 nd prototype ordered (delivery Mar. 2014) Prototype collaboration Pulse-genesis modulator commissioning started Photo provided by Lukas Stingelin

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY SwissFEL development: C-band RF structures 19-Nov-2012Page 19 3 short structures tested (up to 57MV/m) Acoustic measurement for localization of break downs Collaboration with Swiss industry for structure fabrication initiated Photo provided by Lukas Stingelin

Andreas Lüdeke at the ESLS XX at BESSY SwissFEL Development: Undulator U15 19-Nov-2012Page 20 Photo provided by Thomas Schmid

Summary SLS is old, but still healthy PSI in a phase of “lattice modification” Shift of focus to SwissFEL projekt