By Clive ThompsonClive Thompson Published Feb 13, 2006 January 1994 Swarthmore student Justin Hall creates first blog ever, December 1997 Online diarist Jorn Barger coins the term “Weblog” for “logging the Web.” April 1999 Programmer Peter Merholz shortens “Weblog” to “blog.” August 1999 Blogger rolls out the first popular, free blog-creation service. January 2000 Boing Boing is born. July 2000 launches. February 2002 Heather Armstrong is fired for discussing her job on her blog, Dooce. “Dooced” becomes a verb: “Fired for blogging.” August 2002 Nick Denton launches Gizmodo, the first in what will become a blog empire. Blogads launches, the first broker of blog advertising. December 2002 Talking Points Memo highlights Trent Lott’s racially charged comments; thirteen days later, Lott resigns from his post as Senate majority leader. December 2002 Gawker launches, igniting the gossip-blog boom. Gawker March 2003 “Salam Pax,” an anonymous Iraqi blogger, gains worldwide audience during the Iraq war. June 2003 Google launches AdSense, matching ads to blog content. August 2003 The first avalanche of ads on political blogs. September 2003 Jason Calacanis founds Weblogs, Inc., which eventually grows into a portfolio of 85 blogs. January 2004 Denton launches Wonkette.Wonkette March 2004 Calacanis poaches Gizmodo writer Peter Rojas from Denton. Denton proclaims himself “royally shafted” on his personal blog. December 2004 Merriam-Webster declares “blog” the “Word of the Year.” January 2005 Study finds that 32 million Americans read blogs. May 2005 The Huffington Post launches.Huffington Post October 2005 Calacanis sells his blogs to AOL for $25 million. December 2005 An estimated $100 million worth of blog ads are sold this year. January 2006 Time leases Andrew Sullivan’s blog, adding it to its Website. February 2006 The Huffington Post surges to become fourth most-linked-to blog
APCampbell Under the influence of Epoche (blogging about blogging in education) Blogging Across the Curriculum Project on integrating blogs into the college classroom. Diane's Discoveries Nice general education news and ideas. EduBlogNews Includes links to many student blogs. Educational Blogger's Network Blog of educators using blogs in the classroom. Educator Bloglines Weblogs in education. EdBlogger Praxis Examples of educator blogs online. Go to Manila Education to learn more about using Manila. Stephen Downes Well-known educational writer, consultant, and blogger. Great resources for educational technology and blogging. Weblogg-ed - The Read/Write Web in the Classroom Weblogs in education hosted by Will Richardson, supervisor of instructional technology and communications at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in Flemington, New Jersey. He's used blogs with his journalism students.
Keep up with family at home and abroad, find old friends, make new friends. Chris Garrett of, a Blogging Consultant and UK Internet Marketing & New Media Industry Expert says this about the numbers: Make a difference in the world, or just pursue your passion. Go on a rant, or as says, “develop a position of thought leadership.”
Works Creating a Personal or Classroom Blog – Cyndi Vander Ven Blogging Online Resources and Works Cited for PPT Presentation A definition of “blog” (just ONE of many, many....) * Effortlessly create and manage students blogs * Packed with useful features and customizable themes * Ready made for podcasting, videos, photos and more * Step by step support with our helpful video tutorials (This was Lakeview Academy’s summer reading blog page with the 6 th through 12 th grade summer reading assignments, plus an open community blog invitation as well) Blogger’s approach to blogging is very simple: “A blog is your easy-to-use web site, where you can quickly post thoughts, interact with people, and more. All for FREE.” Great blogging ideas for the classroom WebQuest design patterns (note there’s no “www” in the address) Blogging as a blogging tool for teachers to reflect, as well as communicate with students, parents, or other teachers. Go to the /educators.htm site as well for more teacher resources. Safe for kids and families See the benefits in blogging for kids in improved writing & editing skills by Sharon Housley Children’s Writing Web Journal Inform. Influence. Inspire. Create collaborative blogs with guest authors. $4.95/mo. or $49.50/yr. for the Basic service. On the Gaggle Network teachers control what can be written and who can correspond with the students. Messages with inappropriate words are automatically re-routed to the teacher's account. This allows the teacher to decide whether or not the student gets to see the message. The University of Georgia Freshman Composition Program -- (works with the open source program Open Office—much like Microsoft Word). Contact Dr. Ron Balthasar for information. Cited