09:00 Meeting Shutdown Update June 29 th 2015 Cons Gattuso AD Shutdown Manager
Shutdown Schedule Shutdown Start –Intensity Reduce needed for the Shutdown work: None –Beam off to All users Saturday July 4 th at 00:01 Operators will commence turning off the machine and preparing the accelerators for the shutdown –Sunday July 5 th Radiation surveys –Linac, Booster, 8 GeV Line, Main Injector/Recycler, BNB, NuMI, F-Sector, Transfer Hall, Pre-Target, and Pre-Vault –Switchyard, Meson, and Neutrino Muon radiation surveys later in the week Enclosures re-cored to shutdown access key series –Booster, Main Injector/Recycler, NuMI, F-Sector/Transfer Hall and Pre-Target/Pre-Vault (existing Muon Campus Shutdown cores) –Long term shutdown access keys are issued for the duration of the shutdown and then turned into the MCR 6/18/2015J. Anderson Jr. | AD All-Hands Meeting2
Shutdown Schedule Shutdown Start (continue) –Monday July 6 th MI tunnel 06:00-08:00 –Fire protection System testing During the testing Fire techs will be the only ones in the tunnel 08:00 General tunnel keys will be issued –RWP’s and safety briefings will be set in the Huddle Enclosures that will be placed Supervised access mode will only an individual to sign the RWP once for the duration of the shutdown (unless conditions change, at which time the RWP will need to reviewed and resigned) All day Monday –RF system will still be running the Monday July 6th for system characterization Booster, MI and RR system 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager3
Shutdown “Construction Areas” During the shutdown F-Sector/Pre-target/Pre-vault an d the MI-52 region will be reclassified as “Construction Areas”. –With significant rigging and material movement activities going on in the tunnel we will be asking that anyone entering a construction area must wear sturdy work type shoes or boots that cover the ankle. Tennis or canvas shoes, sandals, shoes with open toes or heels, or shoes with narrow high heels cannot be worn on the tunnel. Long trousers and short sleeve shirts covering the ball of the shoulder must be worn as well. Tank tops, mesh shirts, cutoff shirts, and sleeveless shirts are not allowed. Also, clothing must not hang loose to the point where it may be caught in moving machinery, or snag onto dangerous objects. –Besides the mandatory work clothing stipulated above, the HA must specify other types of PPE that may be needed to address hazards. Hardhats or bump caps, safety glasses with rigid plastic side shields, gloves and any other personal protective equipment needed to protect workers and employees must be identified in the HA. –All persons entering a construction area must notify the task manager and immediately review and sign the HA. All persons entering a construction site must wear the work clothing as well as the PPE defined in the HA. 11/4/14C. Gattuso| AD Shutdown Manager4