WEEK 37 Do Nows
Get in your Grammar Groups 5 minutes to prep
SWBAT teach/ review yearly grammar skills.
Create Groups with team members from each of the other groups. Each group will have 10 minutes to present When time is called, STOP your lesson
Good Luck Tomorrow!!!
SSR 20 minutes
SWBAT read and analyze chapter 10 of Slaughterhouse Five
1. Why does Vonnegut consider his plane ride back from Dresden “one of the nicest [moments]” of his life? What is the author suggesting by underscoring this moment? 2. What does the author mean by the term corpse mine? 3. How does the Maori POW die? 4. What new technique for disposing of the corpses is devised? 5. Why do the Germans leave? 6. What does the bird say to Billy Pilgrim? Why? 7. Does Slaughterhouse-Five end on a “happy note”?
Finish reading and answering Chapter 10 questions. 10 points
Take out the following: Slaughterhouse Five Loose-leaf paper Discussion 10 points!
SWBAT discuss and debate topics and themes from Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five
Participation Rubric: 0-1: Did not participate 2-5: Participated, but did not use critical thinking 6-8: Answered the question and used evidence to make connections between texts 9-10: Answered the question using weekly vocabulary and used evidence to make connections between texts
1. Why does Vonnegut choose to write a “jumbled and jangled” war book? 2. What is the significance of the phrase “so it goes”? 3.What is the significance of the bird cry “poo-tee- weet”? 4. Discuss the major themes of Slaughterhouse-Five? Give Examples. 5. How does Vonnegut use time to communicate his themes? 6. Discuss the use of irony in the novel. 7. Are we intended to believe Billy’s tales of Tralfamadore or are we, like Barbara, supposed to assume that Tralfamadore is a figment of Billy’s post- brain-damaged imagination?