Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections JUNIOR HEALTH
Vaginitis Pathogen: – Chlamydia Gardnerella Herpes; Candidiasis Herpes; Trichomonas; Mycoplasma Where: – Vagina, Penis, Anus, Throat How: – Usually sexual intercourse but sometimes without – change in balance of bacteria in the vagina. Symptoms: – Pain, discharge, irritation, redness, itching, odor, or asymptomatic
Pubic Lice Pathogen: – Pediculosis Pubis (parasite) Where: – Pubic Hair, armpits, eyelashes, eyebrows How: – Sexual intercourse, bedding, toilets, clothing Symptoms: – Itching, rash, pinhead-sized blood spots on underwear
Tricomoniasis Pathogen: – Protozoan Parasite Where: – Vagina How: – Common after menstruation, sexual intercourse. Symptoms: – odorous, yellow discharge, itching, burning while urinating, urethra and bladder infections.
Scabies Pathogen: – Pathogen: Parasitic mite that burrows under the skin. Where: – Skin How: – Sexual intercourse, skin contact Symptoms: – itching in the genital area.
Gonorrhea Pathogen: – Neisseria-gonorrhea bacteria Where: – Penis, vagina, anus, throat How: – Direct mucous membrane contact during sexual intercourse. Symptoms: – Burning discharge from penis; most women have no symptoms, can cause sterility, arthritis.
Genital Warts Pathogen: – HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Where: – Genitals, Anus How: – Sexual intercourse. Symptoms: – Warts on genitals and anus, can cause cancer of the cervix and penis
Hepatitis Pathogen: – Hepatitis A Virus & Hepatitis B Virus Where: – A – Mouth – B - Penis, vagina, anus, mouth, skin breaks, blood. How: – A - Anal-oral sexual contact, contaminated water. – B - Saliva, sexual intercourse, blood, needles Symptoms: – Flu-like symptoms, dark urine, abdominal pain, jaundice.
Non-Gonococcal Urethritis (NGU) Pathogen: – Chlamydia Ureaplama; Mycoplasma; Trichomonas Where: – Penis, Vagina, Anus, Throat How: – Direct mucous membrane contact during sexual intercourse. Symptoms: – Men – watery or milky discharge from penis. – Women – burning during urination.
AIDS Pathogen: – HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Where: – Penis, Vagina, Mouth, Rectum, Blood, Mucous membranes. How: – Sexual intercourse, sharing needles, mother to baby, transfusions. Symptoms: – Skin rashes, diarrhea, fever, weight loss, dry cough, swollen glands, loss of appetite, opportunistic infections, death.
Chlamydia Pathogen: – Chlamydia Trachomatis Bacteria Where: – Penis, Vagina, Mouth, Anus. How: – Sexual intercourse Symptoms: – Painful urination, watery discharge, itching, burning of genitals, pelvic pain, bleeding between periods.
Genital Herpes Pathogen: – Herpes Simplex II Virus Where: – Penis, Vagina, Mouth, Anus, transfer to eyes if sore is touched. How: – Direct intimate contact Symptoms: – Painful blisters or sores on the genitals, swollen glands, fever, headaches, tiredness.
Syphillis Pathogen: – Treponema Where: – Penis, Vagina, Mouth, Anus, Break in Skin. How: – congenital, mucous membrane contact with sores. Symptoms: – “Chancre” which comes and goes away, fatigue, fever, sores, rash, hair loss, nervous system damage, insanity, death.