Job 6-10
Job 6 1.How does Job explain his outbursts in his first complaint? (verses 1-7) He is miserable and feels God is afflicting him. 2.What request does Job make in verses 8-10? He would rather die 3.Why does Job feel so helpless? God is afflicting him and he is helpless against God
4.In verses 14-23, Job accuses his friends of being unreliable. How had they been unreliable? They gave no comfort, spoke words that provided no relief 5.Job’s friends were quick to judge and be cruel. What does Job ask them to do in verses 24-30? Show them where he was wrong. He was open to criticism 6.What point does Job make in verse 14? What lesson is there for us when we deal with our unbelieving friends? Even if a man forsakes God his friends should not Our work with the suffering is to offer comfort of some type, even to unbelievers
Job 7 1.Job describes his afflictions in verses 1-5. What are some of them? Worms, scabs, skin sores that are festering 2.What does Job want God to remember? Why does Job argue this way to God? (verses 6-10) Remember how short life is. He seems to be “reminding” God how short and fragile our lives are. He seems to be telling God to stop tormenting him
3.Job feels he has a right to complain to God. His own weakness makes God unjust in treating him as he does (verses 11-16). Complete the following statements: I am not an animal... Why treat me like a beast? I try to find relief by sleeping... But I have nightmares God, leave me alone... I want to die 4.What is the essence of Job’s complaint in verses 17-20? If God is so high above us, why does He spend his time harassing me? How does Job even affect God? Leave me alone!
5.In verse 7, Job jumps to a conclusion. What is that conclusion? Have you ever served someone who expressed that conclusion? What did you say? He will never be happy again 6.Job seems to doubt God’s forgiveness (verse 21). What is leading him to that conclusion? What lesson is there for us in how we treat those who are suffering? Our sinful nature likes to believe that bad things happen because God is punishing us for something. Remind them of the Gospel. Tie their comfort to the Gospel
Job 8 1.What attitude toward Job does Bildad display in his opening words? (verses 1-3) He is blunt and unkind, calls Job a windbag 2.How does Bildad interpret the deaths of Job’s children? (verse 4) They got what they deserved. 3.According to Bildad, what did those of the former generation teach? (verses 5-22) God is just. If you are good things go well. If not you suffer 4.In verse 20, Bildad tries to encourage Job. How encouraging are his words? His words are filled with works-righteousness. God blesses the good and the evil he punishes in this life. Theology of Glory
Job 9 1.In verse 2, Job agrees to something Bildad said. What does Job agree to? It seems that if God dealt with us according to the law – he rewards the good and punishes the wicked 2.However, there is something Job does not agree with. What is that? (verse 2) Job understands that no one is righteous by works 3.In this chapter, Job confesses his unworthiness to stand before God and to demand justice based on God’s law. He also admits to God’s unlimited might and power. Yet implied in this chapter is a complaint. What does Job complain about? (verses 3-31) He seems to be calling God a bully 4.Has Job’s wish in verses been fulfilled for you? 1 Timothy 2:5 – Jesus is our mediator 1 John 2:1 – Jesus is our advocate
Job 10 1.Job cannot understand why God let him be afflicted so severely. Why is the Lord making Job suffer so much? The Lord is demonstrating to Satan that he was wrong Is there comfort for us in that? 2.Why does Job admit that no mortal can be righteous before God (9:2) yet in verse 7 of this chapter say that “you [God] know that I am not guilty”? Job was righteous through faith. Remember in 1 :8 God called Job righteous. 3.What is Job’s complaint in verses 8-12? God took all that time to create me and now he afflicts me with suffering.
4.In fact, Job goes a step further and accuses God of a sinister plan. According to Job, what was God’s plan when he created him? (verses 13-17) God created Job and then kept a close eye on him, hoping to punish him. 5.What does Job ask of God in verse 20? Turn away from me so I can have a little joy before I die 6.Do we fall into the category of “blameless and innocent”? Yes 2 Corinthians 5:21