Dialogue Santos: Good morning Adele how are you? Adele: I’m good Santos and you. Santos: I’m fine thanks to god and my family. How are you with your psoriasis? Adele: Well not so good with my skin condition. Santos: Wow, Adele i’m doing a project about your skin condition psoriasis for class in the university. Adele: That is so interesting santos, do you think I should go to my dermatologist?
Dialogue Santos: Yes, adele because she can give you some topical medications for your skin. Adele: Yes, I know but I have it in my scalp also. Santos: Oh, well go in that case don’t leave your hair wet bacause moisture and can grow more sores in your scalp. Adele: What can I do? Santos: Just blow your hair out. Adele: Oh thanks I will try out that idea.
Dialogue Santos: Good have it in practice and if not improve go to your doctor any time for a consult and explain to her your skin situation. Adele: Ok, bye see you later. Santos: Good bye, it’s was a pleasure to see you again.