Grab your name tent and find a spot!
1. An environment of trust empowers students to take responsibility for their learning. 2. It develops and environment of respect. To make students learn more about each other to work together. 3. A culture of learning is important to place responsibility on the students. 4. The teachers should learn about his students. Each student should support one another. 5. Positive culture is important so students can learn to their full potential. 6. ??
Peanut M & M Icebreaker Orange : What can be done to get to know students as individuals. Blue : A procedure/routine that you find effective in your classroom. Brown : A reason that you became a teacher. Yellow : Something you hope to learn today. Red : What you do to get your students’ attention at the beginning of the hour or to transition activities. Green : An interesting fact about you that no one else in the room would already know or likely have in common.
On your whiteboard write down one question you have about district protocol related to any concern or situation you have experienced. Share your situations with your table group.
There is a 1046 page document that can be accessed on line at This document has all information on district guidelines and Board policies!
Let’s look at an example of a Governing Board Policy: ◦ Staff-Student Relationships In your binder is a hard copy of the Staff Student Relationships policy (bright yellow) to complete this activity Write two questions and answers related to specific information contained in this policy on the that paper highlighting what you find most important
◦ Student Safety and Health ◦ Accident Report Form ◦ Equipment Transfer Form ◦ Equipment Loan Agreement ◦ Public Gifts to the District ◦ Industrial Technology Maintenance Guidelines (including hazardous material handling
Each person will choose information from two different tabs in the CTE Operational Guidelines handbook. Write two questions related to the information found in each tab. Once everyone is done, you will ask your questions to the group to see if anyone already knows the answers!
Teachers set the tone for their expectations in class, yet there are resources available Students receive a handbook and must sign Statement of Awareness forms (see handouts) Schools typically have campus-wide policies that you should know about, and if you do not, ask about seeing one!
There is an official Secondary Disciplinary Referral form, but use it sparingly! (see handout) Always contact parents if used A teacher-generated document outlining classroom expectations, discipline protocol, and grading procedures should be distributed at the beginning of the year, and signed by both students and parents (We will look at examples of those in our final session)
This is a worthwhile exercise whether you need the ADE credit or not, but if you do, you MUST complete a chart: Identify at least 20 students (from any classes) that you would benefit from getting to know something about: Column 1 – what do you know about him/her Column 2 - jot down something related to why you want to know more about him/her Column 3 – what you found out
Choose one of the two articles to read. Highlight key points and take notes in the margins as to what you think is most important Time for a “Quick Write”! You will have 2 minutes to write down whatever you thought was most significant in your article.
Procedure: What the teacher wants done Routine: What the students do automatically without prompting or supervision
promote structure Insure a safe environment allow students to develop respectful and trustful relationships with their teacher and peers enable teachers to effectively manage activities
Slate activity: With your table group, brainstorm at least five different situations you could have procedures for that help make classrooms and/or labs or run smoothly. (Handouts include an info sheet related to procedures and how to establish them)
Transitioning from one activity to another Time to clean up Working with groups Getting into groups Students are done with work early Students need to get the teacher’s attention Teacher needs to get the student’s attention Your additional ideas
Complete the left side of your paper independently (Give One) by writing your ideas directly under the prompt Meet with at least 3 other colleagues Give your partner one of your ideas on related to one of the prompts Get one of their ideas and write it in on the right side After sharing, change to a new partner Try to get an idea or two recorded on the GET ONE side of their paper for each prompt.
You need to directly TEACH procedures Choose procedures that are most critical for classroom/lab efficiency Clearly explain what needs to be done Practice until they become routines (most likely this will be different for each class) Reinforce and reteach until they become efficient habits for all students
What students do automatically without being prompted or supervised Well defined and rehearsed procedures become routines. If reinforced consistently, routines should be established in about three weeks.
Students automatically do what they have been taught to do: Procedures become routines Teacher does not have to remind Class/lab are safe and manageable
Not like this! Not like this!
Respond to as many of the prompts as possible (depending upon your job responsibilities) to come up with related ideas
Consistency is critical!!! Procedures and routines are meaningless if they are not always insisted upon and reinforced as needed !
Can serve as daily closure on lab days Holds students accountable Provides you with feedback It would be up to you when you collected it but it would need to be part of their grade to be meaningful. (The next handout in your binder could be used for group progress record)
You need to have ways to keep track of loaned equipment and to cover your liability. It is critical to have a contract/agreement that insures that both students and parents are aware of expectations/policies.
On the back of your name tent complete the week 2 closure by answering this prompt: Write a question you still have or a comment about what you learned in today’s class