Finance Department Quarterly Report for Period Ending Oct 1, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013
CASH DISBURSEMENT’S 1.Filed quarterly Sales and Use Tax Report; 2.Filed monthly Hotel Motel Tax Reports; 3.Processed 976 payroll checks /direct deposit; 4.Processed 301 Accounts Payable Checks; 1,570, Processed 813 Purchasing Card charges; $ SPLOST 2003 expenses $ 118, SPLOST 2009 expenses $ 478, Attended class on 1099’s and W-2’s 9.Attended class on Preparing for Audit, and Strategic Budgeting. 10.Did a workshop in Savannah for Small Business Opportunity 11.City wide audit of department cash drawers, purchasing procedures, inventory control and policies. 12.Prepared RFPs for Sidewalk Installation.
13.Reviewed and made adjustments for additions and deletions to GIRMA schedule, for renewal of property and liability insurance for the city’s assets; 14.Consultant in house for 3 days. 15.Worked with GEFA for capital loan; 16.Four finance employees attended the GGFOA conference in Buford Ga.
REVENUE COLLECTIONS water bills totaling $738, Received 359 payments for hotel/motel tax totaling $322, Received 2121 parking citation payments totaling $79, $59, in liquor and beverage taxes 5.Sold 147 parking decals; and 6.Counted $77, in parking coins.
UTILITY BILLING 1.Billed 87,650,00 gal in water consumption; 2.Billed $868,348.00Water/Sewer/Garbage charges; 3.City wide meter swap in progress 4.62 new residential water & sewer accounts.