Regeneration and Technical Portfolio Priorities & Issues 9 th June 2008
Develop a spatial planning strategy to deliver sustainable development Produce Local Development Framework Deliver Sustainable Community Strategy Issues –Capacity to deliver due to impact of Job Evaluation
Deliver alternative, accessible and sustainable transport solutions Provide alternative transport that people will choose to use over their car Issues –Increase in car ownership –Shortage of car parking spaces
Effective delivery of future waste management and recycling demands Identify alternative disposal solution Issues –Increased landfill tax
Deliver major regeneration programmes and improve the local economy Town centre regeneration / developments Issues –Disruption during Mall development period –Skills gap – local people unable to access new job created in the borough
Effective regulation and enforcement Planning Building Control Licensing Trading Standards Environmental services Issues –Recruitment & retention of professional officers
Development of partnership working to deliver service improvements within the Borough and across Pennine Lancashire City Development Company –Economic Regeneration Planning & Building Control Completion of the Capita service review Continuous improvement in partnership with Capita
Support corporate aims through delivery of effective asset management and support Working across portfolio areas to deliver the asset management programme
Deliver environmental improvements across the borough Reduction in carbon emissions Improved street scene Reduce levels of land contamination Carbon Management Plan Issues –Cost of clearing contaminated land sites –Future economic investment
Increase basic skill levels of adults and increase number of people assisted into employment Deliver accredited courses Information, advice & guidance Employment agency Issues –Capacity to meet demand –Changes to funding arrangements
Improve public perception of, and satisfaction with, departmental services and projects Commitment to continuous service improvement Increased consultation with service users
Develop an effective workforce through the provision of remodelling, development and support Service reviews Remodelling Delivering a fit for purpose organisation Issues –Job evaluation –Staff morale –Retention & recruitment of professional officers
Performance Agreement The portfolio priorities will contribute towards delivering the Council’s strategic priorities under the Performance Agreement, in particular: –Improving neighbourhoods –Improving the economy