Lar status Calorimeters cold and stable: The pressure in the C-side cryostat is not nominal because of a problem being fixed An electronic repair campaign is ongoing → Front-End Boards (1524 total): FEB unstable, noise bursts: ~15/30 replaced so far. Some of these problems due to a small fraction of defective pre-amps. Some of the preamps removed and tested at CERN and in Milano (ongoing). Receiver refurbishment: 43/140 so far OTX failures (8 FEBs): no new failures since last November, not fully understood yet (glass sealing damage+humidity?); studies still ongoing. A replacement from a different company (Optek) is being studied; a plan is also be pursued to duplicate the current VCSEL to have redundancy LVPS: Shipping to ALGEN ongoing (12 still to be sent out) for refurbishment of transformer insulation and testing HEC LV PS (Wiener): Problem appeared last year on one DC-DC converter(1/8 HEC affected). Sent to Wiener for inspection and repair: one bad soldering point. All PS (8) will be dismounted, sent to Munich, the converted will be dismounted and sent to Wiener for inspection and (if needed) repair. MI - 30/01/09 1
2 Barrel A Barrel C 32 LVPS in barrel + 26 in ECs HEC LVPS:
Lar HV status HV OFF on calorimeter since No HV DCS monitoring (all racks OFF) since A series of system upgrades planned for this shutdown period Hardware: re-routing of interlock lines, HV module reshuffling and replacement, replacement of one crate, new coils for the measurement of the return current About 60 modules needed to be removed and repaired on site by Iseg personnel to fix a ground problem Software: → Time for upgrade squeezed between end of cosmic data taking, Christmas shutdown, other hardware maintenance work, scheduled power cuts in USA15 (another cooling plant maintenance and power shutdown planned for Feb 9-28) HV should be back ON on the calorimeter around mid March MI - 30/01/09 3
itemOLDNEWcoment FE DCS PC1 CPU/1-2GBdual Quad Core/8 GBPowerful, standard DCS PC OSXP2003 server w/ EAHandles more than 4 GB memory PEAK CAN interface PCIUSBEasier/faster to replace in case of problems Iseg OPC server “cache” mechanism to improve data read-out, enhanced performance with new generation modules Module FW Performance and bug fixes Our code:PVSS NV user graphics interface PVSS UI user graphics interface New set of DP to handle 4.10→5.00 changes Compatibility between old and new gen modules Bug fixes and new features PVSS versionv3.6v3.8 FrameworkNew versions of several packages FSMNew versions New State model MI - 30/01/09 4 Not yet addressed
Status Main problems → Problems with the PEAK CAN driver on the new machines Problems with the new version of the OPC server: New cache mechanism not yet working properly Sometimes commands are lost Wrong read-back of some items: channel status, module “Alive” flags,... Meeting on 28-29/01 with Iseg OPC developer (and by phone with a PEAK expert) to address all these issues Got a new “development” driver from PEAK to work on a 8-core machine. Seems to work better. Problems with OPC server demonstrated on a CERN set-up, acknowledged by Iseg that will work on a fix More tests are needed. CERN set-up partly available in February due to scheduled power cuts We are assembling a set-up in Milano as close as possible to the CERN one to continue these tests (same PC, same CAN interface, etc...) MI - 30/01/09 5