Acids and Bases. Warm up Please do Day 4 questions on your warm up sheet - The homework is due Today -Science fair students I need to give you your order.


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Presentation transcript:

Acids and Bases

Warm up Please do Day 4 questions on your warm up sheet - The homework is due Today -Science fair students I need to give you your order forms for the board and your EDD form for the science fair. -Money for boards are due Next Tuesday

Brain pop Acids and bases

Acids, Bases or Neutral ?

Acids Base Definition Any compound that increase the number of Hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. H + Any compound that increase the number of Hydroxide ions when dissolved in water OH - Taste and feel Sour taste / Corrosive burn feeling Bitter taste / Feels slippery Has more Hydrogen ions in solution (also a hydronium ion H30+ is produced) Hydroxide ions in solution Litmus paper Turns Blue litmus Paper redTurns Red litmus paper blue What type of chemicals do they react with Acids react with Metals, Carbonates and Bases Bases react with Fats, oils and acids Common examplesLemons, HCL, Soda and VinegarSoap, shampoo, baking soda and Window cleaner.

Neural ? Neutral has a ph level of about 7. Blood and Tap water have a ph of 7 When you mix an acid with a base it becomes neutral.

pH scale Numbered scale from 0 to 14 which indicates whether a solution is an Acid, a base or neutral. pH stands for Potential Hydrogen Acids or bases measured by the concentration of H + and OH - Pure water has pH of 7

pH indicators pH indictors can identify ( and tell you) whether a solution is an acid or a base. 1.Acidity or Basicity 2.Color, Hydrogen ions There are many types of pH indicators, some of them are, -Litmus paper ( red and blue litmus) -pH paper ( turn red for acid / blue for base) -Cabbage juice ( turn red for acid / blue for base) -pH solution

Demo Lets look at the different types of pH indictors.

Neutralization Imagine you have heart burn and you take an antacid like tums and then you suddenly feel better …… explain what has just happened?

Neutralization A chemical reaction in which an Acid and a Base combine together to form a neutral solution. When an acid reacts with a base, a salt is formed, along with water. Ex:

pH Indicators 1.Write down the 3 types of pH indicators we used in the lab. Explain how each one works? 2.pH paper turns _________ when it detects an acid. 3.pH paper turns _________ when it detects an base.