Philippians 4:4-7
Rejoice is not a word we use often today The meaning of rejoice can be elusive The dictionary describes it as – glad, delight, cheerful, well, happy, etc. Rejoice!
Perhaps it means: RE = regarding; JOI = joy; CE = celebrate Add the word ‘always’ = Regarding joy we celebrate it all the time (always) Rejoice!
Paul says it twice It must have been important But where was Paul when he said this word Rejoice and Rejoice (again)? In prison (see Phil 1) Rejoice!
When in prison, you get to do one thing… think! Paul thought about his: Past – his encounter with God on the road to Damascus (Acts 9) Present – he’s on a mission for God (Acts 13) So why rejoice?
Future – for to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain (Phil 1:21) After weighing up everything – Paul was confident – rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice! Paul had conviction! So why rejoice?
The conviction that our joy is not based on ourselves or our circumstances But rather our rejoicing is done “in the Lord” Situations will come and go, but the bedrock (house foundations) is IN the Lord What conviction?
Do not be anxious (worry) about anything… (v.6) How many of us would admit that as soon as we hear the words don’t – we actually do? There is a cure – BUT in everything… (v.6) So you will worry and when you do… here’s how to go about it How do we rejoice?
By prayer and petition… (v.6) Bring them to God and list them (all of them) – the good the bad and the ugly With thanksgiving… (v.6) With an attitude of gratitude (when its all good) With submission (when its not all good) How do we rejoice?
When you’re going through hell – don’t stop! Psalms 23 Don’t stop praying, don’t stop coming to church, don’t stop praising and worshipping, don’t stop fasting, don’t stop pressing into God, don’t stop hoping and loving, etc. How do we rejoice?
It’s not easy & often very difficult when you’re going through “stuff” But we’re reminded to rejoice in spite of what is going on… Because (v.7) – and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Outcome