WA State Political Issues
Health Insurance Democrats Single Payer System to reduce costs Health Insurance for everyone Have Price Controls- reduce the profits High costs due to greedy business profits- poor get bad health care Republicans Free Market Based System Competition and incentives (profit) means the best doctors, medicines, and technology Tort Reform (reduce lawsuits) Higher costs due to government regulations and fraud
Illegal Immigration Democrats All immigrants are welcome A border wall is unnecessary Illegal immigrants are entitled to welfare benefits and schooling Illegal Immigrants should not be deported as they help the economy Republicans Build a wall Illegal Immigrants hurt tax payers Illegals need to go through the legal process to become citizens Too many illegals commit crimes
Gun Control Democrats Longer waiting periods and more background checks to reduce violence Outlaw certain guns and clips Violence is due to high supply of guns Increase funding for mental health Republicans Right to own guns an important freedom Government regulations are moving closer to outlawing guns Gun violence due to criminals- not guns Laws and restrictions apply only to law abiding citizens- leaving them less safe
Taxes Democrats Government Spending is key to growing and investing the economy Higher taxes allow the government to do more- education, healthcare etc. Wealthy can afford higher taxes- redistribute their money to the poor Wealthy got their money by taking advantage of the poor and they don’t deserve the money Republicans Taxes are already too high-lower them Government wastes the money and uses it to buy voters Higher taxes slow the economy and hurts incentive Allow people the freedom to spend their own money
Welfare Benefits Democrats Welfare assist the needy with housing, utilities, food, and healthcare People will be desperate without it The spending is an investment in our society- reduces crimes etc. Society is constructed to benefit the rich who use their power to keep people poor Republicans Welfare creates a dependent class of people who are always collecting It’s a way to buy voters Trillions spent hasn’t reduced poverty Only hard work and opportunity can better their life
Marijuana Democrats Legalize Not a criminal offense Government shouldn’t regulate personal lives of people Can be a great way to gain tax revenue Not any more harmful than alcohol and better than prescription drugs Republicans Illegal Harmful to people’s health and to society Gateway drug that leads to other problems
Business Regulations Democrats Wants regulations to protect people Business uses its influence to hurt people and the environment for a profit- regulations protect people Regulations and laws level the playing field for everyone Republicans Regulations make it expensive for businesses and citizens- costs are added to everything we buy Govt. regulators are using their power to pass rules that are not voted on by congress Regulators aren’t held accountable leading to arbitrary abuse of power
Carbon Emissions Democrats Global warming is real and man made We must reduce our carbon emissions to keep our planet from overheating Global Warming symptoms are expensive to deal with Alternative Energy can help the economy- less coal and oil use Republicans Global Warming may not be man made Reducing Carbon Emission hurts the economy by making products more expensive Alternative Energy is much more expensive Alternative Energy can only survive through corruption and tax payer money
Education Democrats Education needs more funding through higher taxes Poor schools hurt minorities more Against school choice, charter schools, and any competition for public schools Strongly support teacher unions Republicans Wants to hold teachers accountable and reduce union strength Schools don’t efficiently spend the money they get Increased competition will improve schools (charter schools and school choice)
Criminal Justice System Democrats Want to lessen penalties on criminals Sees the justice system as racist because it sends more minorities to prison Too many people are in jail and felons are unable to improve their lives because of their record Prison cost too much- spend the money on education and preventative programs (like rehab) Republicans Prison system is not racist and people need to take responsibility for their choices High prison rates have meant falling crime rates and less people hurt Need to increase jail sentences and be tough on crime Jail is already to soft on criminals
Voter I.D. Laws Democrats Requiring voters to have id’s to vote takes away voting rights of poor and minorities There is limited to no voter fraud Make it easier for people to vote Republicans Voter’s id cards proves who people are in order to make sure there is no voter fraud (double voting, dead people etc.) Fraud is a problem
Minimum Wage Democrats Increase minimum wage to a living wage ($12-15) an hour. Will boost the economy through higher consumer spending Will reduce taxes as people won’t qualify for welfare benefits Large corporations can afford to share profits and increase the middle class Republicans Higher minimum wage puts small business out of business higher skilled workers get the jobs = uneducated get fired, so unemployment increases Welfare workers reduce their hours to maintain benefits= no tax savings Profit margins are small- companies will increase prices (inflation) so few people get ahead
Unions Democrats Strong Union Supporters Unions means higher wages and benefits for workers Increases size of the middle class- gap between rich and poor great right now due to decreasing unions Workers need to team up to challenge powerful businesses interests Republicans Strong Business supporters Unions lead to government corruption Unions make American business uncompetitive in our global economy- leading to more jobs going over seas. Government employee unions lead to run away government spending and a government that promotes one party rule There is no widening gap between rich and poor when welfare benefits are included- government policies lead to increasing poor
LBGT and Religious Issues Democrats Strongly support LBGT rights No workplace discrimination against LBGT workers or customers Gender is a choice and people may choose bathroom and locker room to use Religious views do not belong in the public or government space Republicans Sees traditional family or religious values are under attack Businesses and religious institutions have religious freedom to choose who they serve and what ceremonies participate in. Gender is not a choice- keep bathrooms and locker rooms for people’s gender of birth