Department of cardiovascular surgery Kumamoto Central Hospital Taro Nakatsu, Nobushige Tamura, Takuya Nomoto, Koji Hagio, Masanosuke Ishigami, Shouichi Kyo
Bilateral internal thoracic artery (BITA) grafting is known to improve the long-term survival after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). However, there are few reports regarding the efficacy of BITA grafting in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients.
~ ESRD patients underwent CABG. 130 patients had CABG with ITAs. SITA 81 patients BITA 49 patients Operation Arrest90 patients VF9 patients On Pump Beating12 patients OPCAB19 patients
Follow up duration 5.2±3.8 years 83 patients (63.8%) : Dead Survival Cardiac death Hospital death Cardiogenic death Sudden death Cardiac event Cardiac death Myocardial infarction Reccurent angina Repeated CABGs Repeated PCIs
Characteristic SITA (n = 81) BITA (n = 49) P value Age63.8± ±7.4NS Male 64 (79.0%) 41 (83.7%) NS HT 70 (86.4%) 40 (81.6%) NS HL 23 (28.4%) 20 (40.8%) NS DM 49 (60.5%) 20 (40.8%) Insulin 27 (33.3%) 11 (22.4%) NS CVD 14 (17.3%) 9 (18.4%) NS PVD 22 (27.2%) 10 (20.4%) NS OMI 28 (34.6%) 15 (30.6%) NS Characteristic SITA (n = 81) BITA (n = 49) P value Obesity (BMI>26) 7 (8.6%) 5 (10.2%) NS HD duration5.8±5.09.1± EF64±1465±14NS LMT disease 24 (29.6%) 21 (42.9%) NS 3VD 55 (67.9%) 38 (77.6%) NS 2VD 22 (27.2%) 7 (14.3%) NS 1VD 4 (4.9%) 0NS
Variable LITARITA SITA LAD 73 (90%)3 (3.7%) Diag or HL 1 (1.2%)- LCx 4 (4.9%)- BITA LAD 36 (73%)11(22%) Diag or HL 2 (4.1%)6(12%) LCx 11 (22%)32 (65%)
SITABITAP value n14145 SVG98.6%93.3% n1617 GEA93.8%100% n343 RITA100% 1 n6943 LITA98.6%100%0.3974
SITA (n = 81) BITA (n = 49) P value Emergent case11(13.5%)1(2.0%) Anastomosis3.1±1.13.5± Use of GEA16 (19.8%) 19 ( 38.8%) Off pump9 (11.1%)10(20.4%) Operation time310±67368±71< CPB time133±42120± Cross-clamp time85±2775±
SITA (n = 81) BITA (n = 49) P value In hospital Mortality4 (4.9%)2(4.1%) Rethoracotomy1 (1.1%)1 (2.0%) Mediastinitis2 (2.5%)2(4.1%)0.605 Perioperative myocardial infarction 4 (4.9%) Stroke1 (1.1%)2(4.1%) Intestinal complication4 (4.9%)1 (2.0%) Multiple organ failure2 (2.5%)2(4.1%)0.605
survival Time(years) No. at risk SITA BITA BITA SITA P = % 40% 60% 80% 100% 3 years5 years7 years10 years SITA79.6%62.5%43.6%22.6% BITA76.0%61.9%58.8%33.2%
No. at risk SITA BITA % 40% 60% 80% 100% BITA SITA Time(years) Cumulative Freedom from Cardiac death P = years5 years7 years10 years SITA87.1 %80.6%70.7%43.4% BITA85.1%75.3% 60.8%
No. at risk SITA BITA % 40% 60% 80% 100% Time(years) Cumulative Freedom from Cardiac event BITA SITA P = years5 years7 years10 years SITA73.9%64.2%51.1%24.6% BITA77.7%60.9%49.6%39.1%
DM patients 69 patients (SITA 49 patients, BITA 20 patients) Non DM patients 61 patients (SITA 32 patients, BITA 29 patients)
Characteristic SITA (n = 49) BITA (n = 20) P value Age64.4± ±7.0NS Male 38 (77.6%) 15 (75.0%) NS HT 13 (26.5%) 8 (40.0%) NS HL 23 (28.4%) 20 (40.8%) NS Insulin 27 (55.1%) 11 (55.0%) NS Hb A1c6.9±1.16.4±0.87NS CVD 10 (20.4%) 3 (15.0%) NS PVD 18 (36.7%) 7 (35.0%) NS OMI 18 (36.7%) 4 (20.0%) NS Characteristic SITA (n = 49) BITA (n = 20) P value Obesity (BMI>26) 6 (12.2%) 1 (5.0%) NS HD duration4.5±3.96.1±4.7 NS EF65±1464±15NS LMT disease 15 (30.6%) 10 (50.0%) NS 3VD 36 (73.5%) 14 (70.0%) NS 2VD 9 (27.2%) 6 (30.0%) NS 1VD 2 (4.1%) 0NS
No. at risk SITA BITA P = BITA SITA years survival 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 3 years5 years7 years10 years SITA82.4%63.8%45.9%17.9% BITA82.5%56.6% 9.4%
No. at risk SITA BITA P = BITA SITA years Cumulative Freedom from Cardiac Death 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0 3 years5 years7 years10 years SITA93.3%87.1%72.0%42.3% BITA86.8%77.2% 34.3%
No. at risk SITA BITA P = BITA SITA years Cumulative Freedom from Cardiac Event 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% years5 years7 years10 years SITA85.1%79.1%68.4%35.3% BITA62.9%52.4%39.3%0
Characteristic SITA (n = 32) BITA (n = 29) P value Age62.8± ±7.8NS Male 26 (81.3%) 26 (89.7%) NS HT 27 (84.4%) 24 (82.8%) NS HL 10 (31.3%) 12 (41.4%) NS CVD 4 (12.5%) 6 (20.7%) NS PVD 4 (12.5%) 3 (10.3%) NS OMI 10 (31.3%) 11 (37.9%) NS Characteristic SITA (n = 32) BITA (n = 29) P value Obesity (BMI>26) 1 (3.1%) 4 (13.8%) NS HD duration7.7± ±8.0 NS EF62±1465±14NS LMT disease 9 (28.1%) 11 (37.9%) NS 3VD 18 (56.3%) 23 (79.3%) VD 11 (34.3%) 5 (17.2%) NS 1VD 1 (3.1%) 0NS
No. at risk SITA BITA % 40% 60% 80% 100% P = BITA SITA years survival 3 years5 years7 years10 years SITA75.0%59.4%40.4%28.3% BITA73.1%64.5%59.9%47.9%
P = BITA SITA No. at risk SITA BITA years Cumulative Freedom from Cardiac Death 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0 3 years5 years7 years10 years SITA77.7%70.9%61.8%43.3% BITA84.2%74.3%
BITA SITA P = No. at risk SITA BITA % 40% 60% 80% 100% 0 Time(years) Cumulative Freedom from Cardiac event 3 years5 years7 years10 years SITA58.4%44.7%35.5%11.8% BITA84.0%64.2%53.4%
Bilateral internal thoracic artery grafting produces improved survival compared with single internal thoracic artery grafting during the second postoperative decade.
ESRD patients with diabetes mellitus have a increased risk of death 10 years survival BITA:17.9% SITA: 9.4%. Therefore, BITA grafting might confer few advantages for long term survivals.
After a long-term follow-up, CABG with BITA grafts showed no advantages in the long-term outcomes among ESRD patients. For ESRD patients without diabetes mellitus, BITA grafting may provide more promising long-term freedom from cardiac events ratio.