William G. Jackson Center for Teaching and Learning Thursday, March 31 Library East Reading Room 3:30-4:30 PM Unintended Bias Coffee Chat
Documenting Unintended Bias “Cognitive scientists have developed an online experimental tool, the Implicit Association Test (IAT), that assesses unconscious attitudes, or implicit bias. Data gathered from over 2.5 million online tests reveals, for example, that at least 75 percent of test takers show an implicit bias favoring the young, the rich, and whites.” Judicial Council of CA, Ch 10 from Handling Cases Involving Self- Represented Litigants, 2007 BLINK: The Power of Thinking without Thinking BLINK: The Power of Thinking without Thinking - Malcolm Gladwell
The plan… 1)Eat 2)5 sets of scenarios 3)Discuss 1 within table 4)Write answer(s)/notes on Whiteboard 5)Share scenario+ resolution with other groups 6)Repeat from step #1
Choices based on Gender What (if any) bias do you see in the situation? As an instructor, how would you avoid or address it?
Gender Generalizations Do positive statements about all people of a gender convey bias? Does choosing to act (or not to act) in a classroom based on gender convey bias?
Race and/or Ethnicity How do we avoid assumptions based on a student’s appearance? Does acknowledgement of evidence-based differences in learning-context requirements for engagement and optimal learning, indicate bias?
Teams What is the best strategy for grouping with regard to underrepresented students? How should roles in teams be assigned to avoid bias?
Faculty/Professional Who needs to be aware of the human tendency toward bias? Is there ever value in gender-based practices?
9 Techniques to Minimize Implicit Bias Judicial Council of CA, Ch 10 from Handling Cases Involving Self-Represented Litigants, 2007 Stay motivated to be fair and accurate Maximize accountability Take Ample Time Minimize distraction and pay attention Be Conscious of Difference Think about Thinking Confront Cultural Stereotypes Seek out Images and Social Environments that challenge stereotypes Maintain Constant Vigilence
Lots more scenarios at
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