Mixing Length of Hydrogen in an Air Intake Greg Lilik EGEE 520
Background Hydrogen assisted diesel combustion Reduces polluting emissions Less hydrocarbons homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI)
Overview Question: At what point do hydrogen and air mix? Method: Jet in a cross flow model. Two sets of parallel plates. 2D, steady-state model. Hydrogen Air
Governing Equations Momentum balance equation: The turbulent incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. Mass balance equation : The convection diffusion equation. Where: h = dynamic viscosity r = the density, u = the velocity field P = pressure, U = the averaged velocity k = the turbulent energy e = the dissipation rate of turbulence energy Cm = a model constant. c = the concentration D = the diffusion coefficient, u = the velocity
Model Parameters Where:
Solution Surface plot – Concentration [mol/m3]. Line plot- concentration [mol/m3] vs. length [m]
Solution Surface plot – Turbulent kinetics energy [m 2 /s 2 ]. Surface plot – Pressure [Pa].
Solution Arrow plot – Velocity field [m/s].
Validation Side-view ensemble-averaged concentration. Contour levels are given below each image in percent jet fluid concentration. Smith et al. Surface plot with adjusted speed – Concentration [mol/m3]
Validation Flow side view. Smith et al. Surface plot – Velocity field [m/s]
Parametric study
Conclusion Given the parameters used in the model, hydrogen and air traveling at a rate of m/s homogenously mix in s at a length of 0.77 m The model was found to qualitatively agree with results from jet in a cross flow experiments from Smith et al., which used an air-air cross flow. However, an experiment using hydrogen flowing into air and matching parameters is necessary to more completely validate the results of this model.