Catcher media Project Psychological disorders
Major Depressive Disorder What is major depression? Problems with sleep and concentration Irritability Anhedonia – no pleasure in anything Weight loss Lethargy What is the difference between sadness and depression? All above plus worthlessness and hopelessness When do I need treatment? Constant negative perspective Inability to enjoy hobbies, family or friends d=lb-TisO17HE d=lb-TisO17HE
Bipolar Disorder What is bipolar disorder? Depression + elevated mood = mania or hypomania (lesser form) There is Bipolar 1 (more intense---hypermania) and Bipolar 2 (less severe— hypomania) What are the symptoms of mania? Grandiosity Pressured speech Impulsiveness Pleasure seeking Sleep loss Impaired judgment Flight of ideas LkE8w LkE8w 8O2iU 8O2iU
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? *A disorder combining psychological disorder and physical symptoms, that is characterized by flashbacks, nightmares and other emotional/physical symptoms as a result of a trauma in the patient’s life. What are the symptoms of PTSD? irritability Sleep disturbance Avoidance Estrangement Emotional numbing Intrusive recollections of event Persistent memories Nightmares Flashbacks Anger / survivor guilt
Dysthymia—Chronic Depression The symptoms of dysthymia are the same as those of major depression but not as intense and include the following: Persistent sad or empty feeling Difficulty sleeping (sleeping too much or too little) Insomnia (early morning awakening) Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness Feelings of guilt Loss of interest or the ability to enjoy oneself Loss of energy or fatigue Difficulty concentrating, thinking or making decisions Changes in appetite (overeating or loss of appetite) Observable mental and physical sluggishness Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment Thoughts of death or suicide
ADHD Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) also known as hyperkinetic disorder (HKD) is a mental disorder[1] or neurobehavioral disorder[2] characterized by either significant difficulties of inattention or hyperactivity and impulsiveness or a combination of the two. Anxiety Anxiety Irritability Fast heart beat Stomach pain Nervousness Dizziness Increased sweating Dry mouth Restlessness Shaking (tremor) Fever Decreased appetite Vomiting Mood swings Blurred vision Weight loss Trouble sleeping Agitation Increased blood pressure Nausea
Schizo-affective Disorder Schizoaffective disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental disorder characterized by recurring abnormal mood and psychotic components. The mood component may be elevated or depressed (bipolar or depressive subtype), or simultaneously elevated and depressed (mixed episode), and these abnormal mood components alternate with, or occur together with, psychotic symptoms. Symptoms: Strange or unusual thoughts or perceptions Paranoid thoughts and ideas Delusions — having false, fixed beliefs Hallucinations, such as hearing voices Unclear or confused thoughts (disorganized thinking) Bouts of depression Manic mood or a sudden increase in energy and behavioral displays that are out of character Irritability and poor temper control Thoughts of suicide or homicide A speaking style that others sometimes can't follow or understand Behavior at extreme ends of the normal spectrum (catatonic behavior) — either appearing to be in a coma-like daze, or talking and behaving in a bizarre, hyperactive way Problems with attention and memory Lack of concern about hygiene and physical appearance Changes in energy and appetite Sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
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