Journey Into the Presence of God Lowell Snow Ministries A Conference of Prayer
Dear God –I realize that prayer is at the heart of my relationship with You, so please teach me to pray. I want to know You better and I want to be a channel of Your grace and power to the world around me. In Jesus name, amen.
Talking With God Lowell Snow Ministries
Talking With God Ex 20:18 Now all the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking;
Ex 20:18-19 and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off. Then they said to Moses,"You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die."
Talking With God Exodus 20:18-19 His ultimate goal is Your ultimate need.
Talking With God The ultimate prize of salvation is a conversational relationship with Almighty God.
Talking With God 1. God’s Ultimate Goal - Talking with His Children
Talking With God 1. God’s Ultimate Goal - Talking with His Children – Prayer comes before salvation
Talking With God 1. God’s Ultimate Goal - Talking with His Children – Prayer comes before salvation – Sin comes between man and God
Talking With God 1. God’s Ultimate Goal - Talking with His Children – Prayer comes before salvation – God never stopped communicating with us. – Sin comes between man and God
Talking With God 2. Your Ultimate Need - Talking with your Heavenly Father 1. God’s Ultimate Goal - Talking with you
1 Thess 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. NKJV
More, so much more! A personal relationship with God
Begin the Adventure
- Believe that God wants to communicate with you..
Begin the Adventure - Believe that God wants to communicate with you.. - Be willing for God to say what you don’t want to hear.
Almost all Christians have heard or felt God speak to them, but were frightened and retreated into the safety of religion.
Most Christians would rather know God through religious experiences that make them feel good about themselves than have a conversational relationship in which God challenges them to be different than they are and to do things they’d rather not.
Begin the Adventure Today! Give Your Life to Christ. Rededicate Your Life to Christ. Begin Daily Devotions.
Begin the Adventure Today! 5 minutes 5 times a week 5 weeks Commitment to Daily Devotions: Bible reading and prayer
Begin the Adventure Today! Where can you be alone & quiet? What time of day can you be alone and quiet? As soon as you get home, put a Bible in that place and ask God to bless it.
Continue the Journey Lowell Snow Ministries Don’t miss the next session!