Ignatian Week 2015 Parent Prayer Breakfast
Giving them the Compass Overcoming FEAR
“Man is created to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save his soul…” First Principle & Foundation Spiritual Exercises Goal: to discover what kind of person God has created our sons and daughters to be
“Children are NOT objects to be molded but creations of God to be unfolded” Angie Fernandez/Belen Theology Teacher
Help our children find God in their everyday AND Also look ahead for their greater purpose or mission “God wants a different thing from each of us…something which only we can do, and for which we were created.” Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
“Let the Creator deal directly with the creature.” “Ignatius suggests this concept to people leading others through the Spiritual Exercises. There is much wisdom here for me as a mom. While I deeply love and care for my children, God loves them more.” Becky Eldredge
“…with faith, a child knows exactly why he was created…He has sure direction, ever-courageous because he knows God is directing him for his ultimate destiny.” Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
“…too many parents…drive their kids to some vision of excellence they’ve decided is necessary in a market-driven world. They must be outstanding students; they must excel at some sport; they must have all sorts of activities which help build their applications to the best colleges…” Tim MuldoonIt
For the Faithful Parent our challenge should be to ensure they have God in their lives and all else will fall into place”
“Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence.” Pope John Paul II “We think of our parents, of our grandparents and great- grandparents: they were married in conditions that were much poorer than ours.... Where did they find the strength? They found it in the certainty that the Lord was with them." Pope Francis
Common Parental Fears: Of being perceived as not doing a good job as a parent Not giving their child all the available advantages Losing their child’s love Their child will not be successful Fill in your own here….. Decisions made out of fear are usually poorly made!
Give Your sons and daughters a Compass for Life: Faith in God Identify when decisions are FEAR-based and seek additional information and guidance Stay rooted in your ultimate parenting goal: of guiding God-centered men and women for our future.
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