Garibaldi Defends Rome Against the French, (April 30, 1849)
Count Cavour [The “Head”] Giuseppi Garibaldi [The “Sword”] King Victor Emmanuel II (Puppet?) Giuseppi Mazzini [The “Heart”] Italian Nationalist Leaders
Romantic Republicanism s Secret societies for unification (nationalism) – Example: Carbonari, Nationalist Society – Leaders: Mazzini & Garibaldi Exiled leaders of nationalism – Ineffective Used guerilla warfare 1849 Roman Republic Failed – Diminished Papal support of Unification 1860 Constitutional Monarchy – Cavour Policy Armed Force & secret diplomacy The Brain
Step #1: Carbonari Insurrections: “Coalmen.”
Pope Pius IX: The “Spoiler”?
Sardinia-Piedmont: The “Magnet” Italian unification movement: Risorgimento [“Resurgence”]
Step #2: Piedmont-Sardinia Sends Troops to the Crimea What does Piedmont-Sardinia get in return?
Why get involved in the Crimean War? Bring Italy into European politics – Piedmont-Sardinia Brought Italian “Question” to European Leaders – Paris Conference End Crimean War – Cavour gained respect and sympathy only Represented liberal alternative to extreme absolutism and republicanism No promises were made
Cavour Policy Where is he from? – Kingdom of Sardinia most independent What was needed? – Unified state Why? economic success – Support of Nationalist Society – Need aid form France (Napoleon III) Cavour supported France in the Crimean War
French Sympathies Why? – Continue Napoleon’s goal of unifying Italy – Support against Austria – Cavour represented moderate liberalism Vs. radical and reactionary Result – Provoke war between Italy & Austria France wanted to defeat Austria – Territory: Nice & Savoy
Step #3: Cavour & Napoleon III Meet at Plombières, 1858
Secret Deals? France would support Italian-Austrian War – France would receive French speaking Nice and Savoy Cavour mobilized for war – Why? Unite Italians out of fear
Step #4: Austro-Sardinian War, 1859 Piedmont (+France) vs. Austria Why? Austria told Piedmont to de-mobilize Revolts around Italy Cavour’s Policy Unite through fear France feared growing power of Piedmont…secret treaty with Austria
Step #5: Garibaldi & His “Red Shirts” Unite with Cavour 1.Italian Absolutism: Naples and Sicily Sent troops NORTH 2.Cavour sent troops SOUTH ***Garibaldi cared more about Nationalism than Republicanism***
Step #6: Austro-Prussian War, 1866 Austria loses control of Venetia. Venetia is annexed to Italy. (What does annex mean?)
Step #7: French Troops Leave Rome, 1870 Italy is united!
A Unified Peninsula! A contemporary British cartoon, entitled "Right Leg in the Boot at Last," shows Garibaldi helping Victor Emmanuel put on the Italian boot. Garibaldi Victor Emmanuel
Victor Emmanuel Monument ***The “Wedding Cake” of Rome**
The Kingdom of Italy: 1871 What problems still remain for Italy?
The New Italian State 1861 – Victor Emmanuel II is King of ITALY – Cavour DIES Upset individuals – Clerics: resented papal conquest – Republicans: resented treatment of Garibaldi – South: “conquered” by Piedmont Two regions are vastly different – Politics could not overcome Italian politics = corruption Unredeemed Italy “Italia irredenta” – Hostility towards Austria World War I involvement on winning side