NEXPReS Period 3 Overview WP2 EVN-NREN Richard Hughes-Jones, DANTE
WP2 EVN-NREN Forum Brings together experts from the radio astronomy community and specialists from the research networks (GÉANT and the NRENs). ▫ Fosters the communication and coordination between these communities at both the national and international level. Objective is to share information and expertise: ▫ The network requirements from the NEXPReS project, e-VLBI, LOFAR, and the radio astronomy community. ▫ The technical developments and roadmaps of GÉANT, the NRENs and world-wide links. ▫ Presentations of the work of NEXPReS Maintained Open and Active communication channels ▫ NEXPReS has successfully built and enhanced the human network relations formed during former EU projects including EXPReS. Slide: 2 NEXPReS P3 Review – Dwingeloo, NL - 19 September 2013
WP2 EVN-NREN Partners PartnerCountryNREN 1 JIVENL SURFnet 2 ASTRONNL SURFnet 3 INAFIT GARR 4 MPGDE DFN 5 UMANUK Janet 6 OSOES SUNET 7 VENTLV SigmaNet 8 FG-IGNES RedIRIS 9 NORDUnetDK NORDUnet 10 SURFnetNL SURFnet 11 PSNCPL PIONIER 12 DANTEUK GÉANT 13 AaltoFI FUNET 14 TUMDE DFN 15 CSIROAUS AARNet Slide: 3 NEXPReS P3 Review – Dwingeloo, NL - 19 September 2013 WP2 EVN-NREN DANTE is the coordinator ▫ A zero cost partner JIVE is a participating partner Representatives from all partners, work packages are involved. Many NRENs not partners regularly participate e.g.: ▫ Janet, GARR, RedIRIS, SUNET, FUNET, AARNet, CSTNET
Previous Deliverables D2.1 NEXPReS EVN-NREN meeting 1 ▫ Held on 26 May 2011 in Aveiro, Portugal ▫ co-located with the Portuguese SKA Information Processing workshop. ▫ Introduction to the OGF Network Service Interface for BoD ▫ Exchange of requirements and academic network roadmaps ▫ Industry approach to achieve greater than 100 Gbit/s per lambda. D2.2 NEXPReS EVN-NREN meeting 2 ▫ This meeting was co-located with TNC2012 in Oslo on 17 Sep 2012 ▫ News from NRENs: 100Gig rollout in GÉANT; BoD SURFnet, NORDUnet & GÉANT; Connectivity in GARR; Update from Australia ▫ Status report on NSI v2 ▫ Presentations from NEXPReS: testing BoD at Jodrell and developing NSI in JIVE ▫ Update on the selection of two sites for SKA from SKA Central office Slide: 4 NEXPReS P3 Review – Dwingeloo, NL - 19 September 2013 WP2 EVN-NREN
Presentation on regions of increasing interest to Radio Astronomy and Networking Deliverable D2.4 WP2 EVN-NREN
D2.3 EVN-NREN meeting in Year 3 This was a teleconference on 25th June 2013 using the adobeconnect collaboration tool. The aims of the P3 EVN-NREN meeting included: ▫ Dissemination of current achievements on NEXPReS WP6 High-Bandwidth on Demand (BoD) WP8 High performance storage & data movement ▫ Identification of future requirements and roadmaps VLBI forward look & requirements NREN Status, Developments & roadmaps ▫ Maintaining EVN-NREN communications in the future Slide: 6 NEXPReS P3 Review – Dwingeloo, NL - 19 September 2013 WP2 EVN-NREN
EVN-NREN Example Exchanges NEXPReS WP6 gave a review of the work on High-Bandwidth on Demand. ▫ The NEXPReS implementation of the OGF NSI client. ▫ First time that NSI has been successfully used for real eVLBI science several times this year involving GÉANT & SURFnet. WP8 reported on the high speed recorder ▫ Driving the network at 18 Gbits/s with multiple UDP & TCP streams. GÉANT & NREN Status and roadmaps included: ▫ Progress on the GÉANT 500Gbit optical and 100Gbit IP rollout ▫ Janet reported on the status and topologies of Janet6 ▫ SURFnet described collaboration with JIVE & ASTRON, & work on NSI ▫ South Africa expected more capacity for science on the west coast using the WACS submarine cable system in 4-6 months ▫ GARR has connected the Noto telescope in Sicily at 10 Gigabits Slide: 7 NEXPReS P3 Review – Dwingeloo, NL - 19 September 2013 WP2 EVN-NREN
Looking Forward More telescopes will have digital back ends and 2 Gigabit flows will become common. Several telescopes expected to use flows of 4 Gbit/s between telescopes and the correlator at JIVE for science. BoD is a good match to how VLBI observation sessions use the network. More NRENs are encouraged to offer a BoD service. It is hoped that work will continue on BoD within the VLBI community. Other world regions such as South Africa, Russia, China and Korea are also becoming important and are expected to join the EVN. They will require global connectivity. The networks are now an integral part of the e-VLBI instrument and enable options such as Target of Opportunity Observations. The NEXPReS and EVN-NREN activities are helping the adoption of new network technologies in other areas of science. Slide: 8 NEXPReS P3 Review – Dwingeloo, NL - 19 September 2013 WP2 EVN-NREN
The EVN-NREN Forum in the Future At the 3 rd EVN-NREN meeting the radio astronomy and the network communities agreed that the Forum continued to be most valuable. ▫ Making Networks and Astronomers aware of requirements and roadmaps ▫ Points of contact greatly assist multi-domain coordination, liaison, connectivity and problem solving. To help continue the EVN-NREN communication: ▫ A new mailing list be maintained by DANTE ▫ DANTE will continue to act as a single point of contact for new multi-domain network requirements from the Radio Astronomers. ▫ Face-to-face meetings, about once a year, co-located with a suitable networking or radio astronomy event The EVN-NREN meetings are one of the successes of NEXPReS. Slide: 9 NEXPReS P3 Review – Dwingeloo, NL - 19 September 2013 WP2 EVN-NREN
Questions/Comments Contact Information: ▫ Richard Hughes-Jones ▫ Senior Network Advisor in the Office of the CTO ▫ Partner: DANTE ▫ ▫ Additional information available via NEXPReS is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3), funded under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement no RI Slide: 10 NEXPReS P3 Review – Dwingeloo, NL - 19 September 2013