Short Sea Shipping and Co-modality
”Short Sea Shipping and Co-modality” by José Francisco Vidal ESN Chairman
3European Shortsea Network - The problem, o The European freight transport evolution has put a lot of pressure to infrastructures: o Visible signs of congestion o A cost near to 1,5% of EU GDP o More dependence on fossil fuels o Greater level of emissions and contribution to the global heating
SSS Concept o Freight and passenger transport. o Integrated in an intermodal system (two or more modes in a door to door scheme). o Between European countries or with the neighbors. European Shortsea Network -
o Intermodality: cooperation o Joint search of viable alternatives o Logistics chains concurrence o Diversification of logistics risks o Objective: A diversified, viable and sustainable logistics, B a sic premises European Shortsea Network -
New context: comodality o White book revision : Europe moving: o Promoting the intermodality through the concept of “co-modality”: efficient use of the different modes of transport alone or in combination, to get a better and sustainable use of the resources. Shortsea Shipping Motorways of the Sea European Shortsea Network -
Multimodality – intermodality - comodality European Shortsea Network -
Shortsea Shipping and Co-modality European Shortsea Network -
o Co-modality means a better: o efficiency o Inter-operability and inter-connectivity between: o rail, o Maritime transport o inland waterway transport o air transport o road transport o and the corresponding hubs New context: the collaborative logistics Objective: To get a whole integration in the door to door services European Shortsea Network -
o “Existing or new maritime services which are part of a door-door logistic chain and which bundling cargo flows into viable, regular, frequent and high quality shortsea connections” New context: Motorways of the Sea: European Shortsea Network -
Components of MoS o According to a directive adopted by the European Parliament, MoS are: o Infrastructures, at least from two different ports from two member states, particularly: o Port infrastructures o Maritime and land accesses to ports o Services to ensure navigability (dredging, ice breaker...) o Information system o Custom procedure, safety and protection o Transport services European Shortsea Network -
o Complementarity of co-financing sources MARCO POLO IITEN-T Transport servicesInfrastructure Ancillary infrastructureStrategic infrastructure Modal shift objectiveCreation of transport network Private sector drivenPublic sector driven Bottom-up (undertakings)Top-down (Member States) Short-termLong-term Motorways of the Sea European Shortsea Network -
Establishing a MoS o Build on what is already existing o Consolidation and concentration of freight flows o Industry/administration partnership o Offering high quality, frequent door-to-door intermodal maritime-based services o ‘La crème de la crème’ of integrated short sea shipping services European Shortsea Network -
Establishing a MoS o Maritime routes providing links overcoming natural barriers: Pyrenees, Alps o Linking islands and island countries: e.g. Cyprus, Malta, Ireland, UK, Sicily, Canary Islands, Madeira... o Improving access to our peripheral countries: e.g. Baltic Sea Region, Greece, Iberian peninsula European Shortsea Network -
Establishing a MoS o Need top-down network planning: Administrations, Regions, Member States o Need bottom-up imagination: logistics operators, ports, ship- owners, transport users, ship agents... o both actions need to come together for successful MoS European Shortsea Network -
16European Shortsea Network - The success of the SSS and MoS rely on several factors as, the demand the transport operators attitude the Port efficiency and proactivity a good connection infrastructure a good infostructure a reliable and viable offer the financial instruments the knowledge
17European Shortsea Network - In most of them the collaboration of the Ship Agents is essential the demand the transport operators attitude the Port efficiency and proactivity a good connection infrastructure a good infostructure a reliable and viable offer the financial instruments the knowledge
… because the demand makes the difference… 18European Shortsea Network - From empty… …to full loaded
The Port efficiency and proactivity Ports must be efficient Ship Agents role in ports is very important collaborating to speed up cargo operations Ports must be intermodal nodes, but not “knots”: goods must flow through the port fluently: e-maritime, e-freight, e-customs… 19European Shortsea Network -
A good infostructure 20European Shortsea Network - BuyerCarrierPort Community S.A. Electronic Transactions Through a Single Window ESN fully supports the E-maritime initiative
A reliable and viable offer More simple tenders on MoS, coordinating the existing programs… Existing services benchmarking Quality conditions: frequency, regularity and continuity Meeting the customers needs … 21European Shortsea Network -
22European Shortsea Network - The Knowledge:,the European School for SSS GLAD: An Italian and Spanish collaborative common learning Marco Polo project: Port of Barcelona, Port of Civitavecchia, Port of Genoa, Grimaldi Naples, Grandi Navi Veloci and FEVE ESN cooperation: Academic Committee Chairmanship High level valued
ESN Promotion Activities Information Web Portal News Databases Special Focus ShortseaTV Community Print Events Media Workshops & Seminars Conferences Exhibitions Training Campaigns Courses Cases Enquiries Research Bottlenecks Modal shift Intermodal eFreight greenFreight Best practice Policy Maritime Strategy Maritime Space w.b. Marco Polo MoS eMaritime EU Projects Collaboration Management Identity Contacts Training Performance Financial PROPS ESPO To those factors affecting the success of the SSS and MoS European Shortsea Network -
24European Shortsea Network - SSS, a success story: Growing in 2010 despite the crisis Baltic sea North Sea Atlantic West Mediterranean Meda MoS East Mediterranean
To promote and support the MoS European Shortsea Network -
To summarize It’s necessary to practice a collaborative logistics The role of Ship Agents is essential… SSS and MoS is a good emerging market… 26European Shortsea Network -
For the success of SSS and MoS help us to level playing field… but in the proper way 27European Shortsea Network -
Thank you very much for your kind attention 28European Shortsea Network - For a sustainable transport in the EU, please support the SSS and MoS