”Huomioita avoimemmista tieteen käytännöistä yrityksien näkökulmasta – molemminpuolinen ilo ja hyöty” Avoin tiede ja tutkimus –hanke 7.9.2015 SUOMEN AKATEMIA.


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Presentation transcript:

”Huomioita avoimemmista tieteen käytännöistä yrityksien näkökulmasta – molemminpuolinen ilo ja hyöty” Avoin tiede ja tutkimus –hanke SUOMEN AKATEMIA PIA ERKINHEIMO 1

3 Observations Regarding Openness in Science from Company Perspective Pia Erkinheimo  EU (DG Connect) : Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG) with Quadruple Helix focus  FiBAN (Finnish Business Angel Network), Fingertip: Start-up focus  DIGILE: PPP with Internet Economy focus  Nokia: Innovation Crowdsourcing with Mobile Internet focus  Other: Several Tekes – program steering group membership, jury member of several start-up “pitching” competitions  MyData activist via OKFFI 3 Observations  Open innovation in ecosystems  Access to results - cost of scientific results for companies (trust)  Reciprocity – companies open to science 2 SHAREPROPOSEDECIDEEXECUTEEVALUATECLOSE DRAFT

The Speed of Change Exceeds the Speed of Learning. Professor (INSEAD) Yves Doz (2014)

 Science-based (4%)  Science, technology, innovation (STI)  Practice-based (96%)  Doing, using, interacting (DUI)  Learning can be divided into:  Developmental (creative) learning – the ’logic’ of knowledge exploration – learning work organization  Reproductive (adaptive) learning – the ’logic’ of knowledge exploitation Innovation Modes Berg Jensen, M. & Johnson, B. & Lorenz, E. & Lundvall, B. Å. (2007) Forms of knowledge and modes of innovation. Research Policy 36, 680–693.

Combination of STI and DUI Modes of Innovation Mode 2 knowledge production -> DUI-mode of innovation Mode 1 knowledge production -> STI-mode of innovation Context of knowledge application (companies) Funding instruments and tools aiming at promoting knowledge transfer and utilization and fast feedback loops Kuosmanen / DIGILE presentation (2015)

Paradigm Shift in Science Internet Economy Phenomenon Creates Explanation Scientific path Business Business trial path Time gap DIGILE presentation (2015)

WHAT IS Fingertip? Fingertip is a holistic decision making cloud app. Usable on any device, anytime and anywhere. Crowdsourced decision making and execution. Fingertip allows you to share ideas, solve problems propose solutions, make timely decisions and execute them. It encourages you to evaluate and learn from decisions you’ve made, and takes into account emotional context in a given time. Fingertip is an inspiring environment for better business decisions. Kuosmanen / DIGILE presentation (2015)