April 5, 2009 Prayer Requests for Oklahoma missionaries Sam and Joyce Vinall. 1. That church leaders will realize the need to assist their pastor and staff in saving for retirement. 2. That Sam will be able to clearly convey to pastors and staff members their need to prepare for retirement. 3. That pastors, staff members and their families currently without medical insurance will be able to find and afford coverage. 4. For wisdom and vision to accomplish God’s work. 5. For good health and protection as he travels the state Missionary Prayer Guide
April 12, 2009 Prayer Requests for Oklahoma missionaries Mike and Rhonda Barnett and their children. 1. For direction and resources to send medical and dental students on a mission trip this summer. 2. For volunteers to reach students on campus through a variety of activities. 3. For doctors and dentists who will mentor students in their professions. 4. For students to have a bold witness on campus through holy living and compassionate communication. 5. For partners in the local churches to reach students and get them involved Missionary Prayer Guide
April 19, 2009 Prayer Requests for International missionaries Alex and Laura Otalora and their sons. 1. That God will continue to show them how and where He wants them to work. 2. That God will provide hands and hearts to partner with the churches in Bogotá. 3. That God will continue to grow the women participating in the women’s Bible study. 4. That God will give them wisdom and guidance in starting a church in their complex. 5. That God will open doors to university students and call Christian leaders to lead them to faith in Jesus Christ Missionary Prayer Guide
April 26, 2009 Prayer Requests for Oklahoma missionaries Kerry and Mary Russell and their children. 1. For wisdom in dealing with financial matters. 2. For health of the team as a whole. 3. For wisdom for the team as they support all the ministries of the BGCO. 4. For the protection of my family and wisdom in guiding them. 5. For all the mission areas the BGCO helps in strategy planning and funding Missionary Prayer Guide