Community Outreach and Crowdsourcing Fuel Data Kanokwalee Mam Suteethorn Crysta Highfield..... LA May 2015
Problem Statement Project Activities Community Resources Barriers to Involvement Fuel Model FireSphere Day of Action Recommendations Outline
Wildland Urban Interface danger There are steps to reduce personal property risk Majority do not take these steps What community resources are available? What are barriers to acting? What more can be done? Problem Statement
Desk Research Site Visit Interviews –Claremont Canyon Conservancy –Diablo Fire Safe Council –Firewise Community Representatives Orinda Day of Action Project Activities
Diablo Firesafe Council Firewise Resident Firewise Assessments Community Resources
Barriers to Community Involvement Lack of awareness Landscapes seen as unattractive Costs are high Motivation ends when funding ends
Contrast with Claremont Canyon Conservancy Founded in 2001/2002 ~500 members, attendees at annual meeting ~$70,000 budget Stewardship of public canyon land Focus on native vegetation 1991 fire was a catalyzing event that raised awareness which is still high
Community Needs Lower the mental barrier to change by showing firesafe landscapes can be attractive Lower barrier to assessment through survey tools that allow quick self-assessments Continue creating and presenting high quality communication to raise awareness Crowdsource Fuel Model information
Crowdsourcing Fuel Model Community Involvement More accurate fuel model More accurate fire model Better information for fire department
Orinda Day of Action Raise awareness –Interviews –Community Members –Potential Users
Target users: ●Boy Scout Troops ●Swim Teams
Android Version Prohibitive app download size Reduce options to better match achievable differentiation of non- experts – multiple fuel pictures feed into a smaller number of fuel types Connect with FireSphere users through tutorial and feedback mechanisms – improve tool use – gather feedback on how to improve Model Worst-Case as well as Daily Risk Recommendations - FireSphere
Next Steps Lower the mental barrier to change by showing firesafe landscapes can be attractive –Demonstration properties –Showcase landscapers with known skill Lower barrier to assessment through survey tools that allow quick self- assessments –Open Data Kit