Understanding Movies Ch. 1 pp Realism, formalism, avante garde
Realism a style of filmmaking that attempts to duplicate the look of objective reality as it’s commonly perceived, emphasis on authentic locations and detail with a minimum of distorting techniques. This style attempts the illusion that the film world is unmanipulated and mirrors the actual world.
Examples of Realistic films
Realism In the Valley of Elah (2007)
Realism The Iron Lady (2012)
Formalism a style of filmmaking in which aesthetic forms take precedence over the subject matter as content. Time and space ordinarily perceived are often distorted. Formalists often referred to as expressionists. Emphasis is on the essential, symbolic characteristics of objects and people, not necessarily on the superficial appearance. Formalists are often lyrical, self-consciously heightening their style to call attention to it as a value for its own sake. Tim Burton.
Formalistic Films Big Fish (2003)
Formalism The Artist (2011)
Formalism The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Classical Cinema These are general terms - a movie can be both, but may lean more towards one style or the other. Most films fall somewhere in between and are referred to as classical cinema. Most films combine both realistic elements and formalistic elements. Mr. Smith goes to Washington (1939)
Thanks to Jon!!!!
Classical Cinema U 571 (2000)
Classical Cinema I am Legend (2007)
Avante Garde From the French, meaning “in the front ranks.” Artists whose work are characterized by unconventional daring and by obscure, controversial, or highly personal ideas Andy Warhol, David Lynch, Gus Van Zant Sometimes these films are about using the camera for the camera’s sake
Avante Garde The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919)
Cinema Verite A method of documentary film using aleatory methods that don’t interfere with the way the events take place in reality. Usually made with minimal equipment like a handheld camera and portable sound device. Literally means “true Cinema” Is this what reality television is?
Documentary a non-fiction (factual), narrative film with real people (not performers or actors); typically, a documentary is a low-budget, journalistic record of an event, person, or place; a documentary film-maker should be an unobtrusive observer - like a fly-on- the-wall, capturing reality as it happens; Is any film objective???
Documentaries Supersize Me (2004)
Documentaries Chimpanzee (2012) Personification
Things to think about??? When watching most films: Who is empowered? Who is powerless? What is the film about? What is its purpose?