Felix J. F. Herth, Mark Krasnik, Nicolas Kahn, Ralf Eberhardt and Armin Ernst Chest 2010;138; ; Prepublished online February 12, 2010; DOI /chest R1 김광열
Lung cancer - one of most common neoplasm in the western world - Treatment depend on histologic type and stage of disease - mediastinal LN involved in 28% to 38% of NSCLC - mediastinoscopy or thoracoscopy: diagnostic standard(mediastinal LN metastasis) Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration(EBUS-TBNA) -paratracheal, subcarinal, hilar LN Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration(EUS-FNA) - mediastinal LN located adjacent to the esophagus.
Combining EBUS-TBNA and EUS-FNA has higher staging accuracy than either procedure alone Both procedure could be performed through a single bronchoscope in the same setting by the same operator
Approved by local institutional review boards, procedure were performed by all authors. Patients - Between January 2004 and December enlarged lymph nodes, known or suspected NSCLC, no evidence of extrathoracic metastasis - before the endoscopy-> underwent a Chest CT(e): all patients - PET-CT: individual basis as required - enlarged LN: short-axis diameter ≥ 1cm (CT scan)
Endoscopy - flexible linear ultrasound bronchoscope(UF olympus Medical: Tokyo,Japan) -ultrasound scanner(EU-C60; UF Olympus Medical or Prosound α 5;Aloka, Japan) Patients receiving moderate sedation or general anesthesia EBUS-TBNA EUS-FNA Lt. adrenal gland and Lt. liver lobe: not examined Power Doppler examination: to prevent puncture of vessle Rapid on-site cytopathologic examination was not performed Tissue diagnosis was confirmed: open thoracotomy, thoracoscopy or follow-up over 6 to 12 months. SPSS11.5 statistical software package(SPSS Inc;IL)
LN Ao PA Endobronchial view
LN Ao Endoesophageal veiw
Extrathoracic malignancy: 3 Small cell lung cancer: 3 Sarcoidosis:2 Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia:1 Refused surgery: 2
Mediastinoscopy - requiring general anesthesia - current diagnostic standard for staging mediastinal LN - negative predictive value: 89%, positive predictive value: 100% - pretracheal,paratracheal LN :suitable - Inferior and posterior mediastinum, Aortopulmonary window LN:access limited - 2% risk of major mobidity, 0.08% risk of mortality
EBUS-TBNA & EUS-FNA - alternative for primary mediastinal staging high diagnostic yield, access to nodes beyond the reach of the mediastinoscope, low morbidity - EBUS-TBNA : access hilar LN as well - EUS-FNA: access sites of periesophageal, - as complementary rather than competitive procedure - combined approach: higher sensitivity(93%), higher negative predictive value(97%) the combined approach more useful.
To date, combining requires the use of two different and expensive system, additional training use of one scope for both application feasible, safe, very effective Shortcoming of this approach - cannot access some LN: station3, esp AP window - cannot reach extrathoracic site of dis.(Lt. adrenal area): bronchoscopy too short development of a dedicated “staging ultrasound-endoscopy” : add some length
Combining esophageal and endobronchial endoscopic staging with a single, dedicated linear ultrasound bronchoscope in a single setting performed by an experienced endoscopist is feasible, safe, effective This approach could be the primary staging procedure for patients with lung cancer