Cynllun rheolaeth cyrchfan Gwynedd Destination management plan Cyflwyniad gan Presentation by Arwel Jones Tom Buncle.


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Presentation transcript:

Cynllun rheolaeth cyrchfan Gwynedd Destination management plan Cyflwyniad gan Presentation by Arwel Jones Tom Buncle

Beth yw rheolaeth cyrchfan? What is destination management? Proses o arwain, dylanwadu a chydlynu rheolaeth pob agwedd o leoliad sy’n dylanwadu ar brofiad ymwelydd ac sydd yn ystyried yn grwn anghenion ymwelwyr, trigolion, busnesau a’r amgylchedd A process of leading, influencing and coordinating the management of all aspects of a destination which influence the visitor’s experience and which considers in the round the needs of visitors, residents, businesses and the environment

Beth yw cynllun rheolaeth cyrchfan? What is a destination management plan? Dogfen neu ddatganiad cyfrannol i alluogi cyd-reolaeth o leoliad dros gyfnod penodol o amser, sy’n mynegi swyddogaeth wahanol randdeiliaid ac adnabod a chrynhoi gweithredoedd, cyfrifoldebau ac adnoddau perthnasol. Mae’n cynnwys elfennau o reolaeth, datblygu a marchnata A shared document or statement which enables co- management of a destination over a defined period of time, which articulates the roles of the different stakeholders and identifies clear actions, responsibilities and relevant resources. It includes management, development and marketing aspects

Pam fod angen cynllun o’r fath? Why do we need such a plan? Dealltwriaeth fod profiad ymwelwyr yn seiliedig ar nifer o ffactorau perthnasol Y ffaith fod yr economi ymwelwyr yn gyfuniad o sawl wahanol elfen Mae llawer o wahanol gyrff o sawl sector yn gyfrifol am ei drosglwyddiad a’i reolaeth An understanding that the visitor’s experience is based on a number of related factors The fact that the visitor economy is a combination of several different elements Many different organisations from several sectors are responsible for its delivery and management

Mwy o resymau ymarferol More practical reasons Gwneud yn fawr o adnoddau dynol ac eraill drwy flaenoriaethu a thargedu’n effeithlon ac effeithiol Ennill mwy o gefnogaeth ac adnoddau drwy ddangos ymrwymaid strategol Deall a monitro effeithiau ar y gymdeithas a’r amgylchedd Making the most of human and other resources by efficient and effective prioritising and targeting Securing more support and resources by demonstrating a strategic commitment Understanding and monitoring social and environmental impacts

Rhesymau eraill Other reasons Gall adgyfnerthu’r economi ymwelwyr elwa gwasanaethau i drigolion, e.e. cefnogi bwytai, theatrau, ayyb Gall hefyd gefnogi agweddau eraill o’r economi, fel darparwyr bwyd, gwasanaethau cynhaliaeth ayyb Gall gwella delwedd ac ymwybyddiaeth o gyrchfan fod o gymorth i ddenu swyddi a buddsoddiad Strengthening the visitor economy can benefit services for residents, e.g. supporting eateries, theatres, etc It can also support other aspects of the economy, such as food producers, maintenance services, etc Improving a destination’s image and awareness can assist in attracting jobs and investment

Rhai o’r cyd-gysylltiadau Some of the interconnections

Yr her The challenge Adnabod a dathlu rhinweddau arbennig Gwynedd fel cyrchfan i ymwelwyr Dadansoddi’r elfennau allweddol yn glir a thrylwyr Bod yn uchelgeisiol ond realistig o leoliad a photensial Gwynedd yn y farchnad Adnabod a harnesu dulliau rheolaeth, cyfathrebu a marchnata effeithiol Recognising and celebrating Gwynedd’s special qualities as a visitor destination Analysing the key elements clearly and thoroughly Being ambitious but realistic about Gwynedd’s place and potential in the market Recognising and harnessing effective management, communication and marketing methods

Rheolaeth Management Gosod sustemau rheolaeth integredig mewn lle Sicrhau fod dealltwriaeth ac ymroddiad o bob sector berthnasol Sicrhau sustemau cyfathrebu a chyfnewid gwybodaeth Gweithio i’r un cyrchnod Putting integrated management systems in place Ensuring understanding and commitment by all relevant sectors Ensuring that communications and information exchange systems are in place Working to a common goal

Marchnata Marketing Adeiladu ar y brandio a’r marchnata effeithiol sy’n bodoli eisoes Defnyddio sianelau cyfathrebu effeithiol, gan gynnwys rhai newydd a grymus fel rhwydweithio cymdeithasol Targedu marchnadoedd ‘niche’ perthnasol Sicrhau fod negesau yn llifo’r ddwy ffordd Building on the existing and effective branding and marketing Using communication channels effectively, including new and powerful channels such as social networking Targeting relevant niche markets Ensuring that messages flow both ways

Yr allbwn The output Dogfen ymarferol sy’n cyplysu dyhead ac uchelgais, crynhoi delwedd a natur Gwynedd yn glir a chyffrous, gosod blaenoriaethau tymor byr a hir, ac sydd hefyd yn lawlyfr ymroddiad a chydweithio i bob un sy’n ymwneud a thwristiaeth yng Ngwynedd A practical document which combines aspiration and ambition, summarises the image and nature of Gwynedd in a clear and exciting manner, sets short and longer term priorities, and is also a handbook of commitment and cooperation for all involved in tourism in Gwynedd

Catalunya Rhanbarth ymreolaethol gyda theimlad cryf o hunaniaeth a iaithRhanbarth ymreolaethol gyda theimlad cryf o hunaniaeth a iaith Amrywiaeth o gynigion twristiaethAmrywiaeth o gynigion twristiaeth Strategaeth dwristiaeth yn seiliedig ar gynaliadwyedd, ysfa gystadleuol a chyfrifoldeb cymdeithasolStrategaeth dwristiaeth yn seiliedig ar gynaliadwyedd, ysfa gystadleuol a chyfrifoldeb cymdeithasol Partneriaethau rhanddeiliaid da rhwng asiantiaethau ac actorion sector gyhoeddus a phreifatPartneriaethau rhanddeiliaid da rhwng asiantiaethau ac actorion sector gyhoeddus a phreifat Yn cynnwys gweledigaeth tiriogaethol, nid un sectoraidd yn unigYn cynnwys gweledigaeth tiriogaethol, nid un sectoraidd yn unig Autonomous region with strong sense of identity and languageAutonomous region with strong sense of identity and language A diversity of tourism offersA diversity of tourism offers A tourism strategy based on the principles of sustainability, competitiveness and social responsibilityA tourism strategy based on the principles of sustainability, competitiveness and social responsibility Good stakeholder partnerships between public and private sector agencies and actorsGood stakeholder partnerships between public and private sector agencies and actors Includes a territorial vision, not just a sectoral oneIncludes a territorial vision, not just a sectoral one